Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Books & Reports
Swiss newspaper reviews French edition of ‘Too Many People?’
What strategy for an ecological ‘great transition’?
Ecosocialist bookshelf, April 2015
Stop, Thief! The commons, enclosures, and resistance
Did early humans wipe out most large mammals?
Naomi Klein, Jodi Dean and ‘Green Keynesianism’
The Sixth Extinction: Are humans the enemy?
Climate prescriptions that won’t cure the disease
The secret history of pollution and the EPA
Capitalism versus rational agriculture
Derek Wall names ‘Five essential books on climate change’
The extraordinary communities that arise in disaster
The liberal attack on Naomi Klein and ‘This Changes Everything’
New ebook shows capitalism and a healthy planet are incompatible
Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective
Preface to the French edition of ‘Too Many People?’
‘Corporate Conquistadors’ versus climate and humanity
Real agrarian reform could double food production
Review: Toward climate justice
Forces, relations, and 21st century ecosocialism
‘Too Many People?’ published in French
Reflections on Naomi Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything’
Two accounts of Engels’ revolutionary life
Review: Inequality and the 1%
In defense of Naomi Klein
Population controllers kill more women
The IPCC report: Between nightmare and revolution
Naomi Klein: ‘Only mass social movements can save us’
Drawing a line in the tar sands
The global burden of industrial livestock
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews