‘Too Many People?’ published in French

The definitive ecosocialist response to overpopulation myths is now available in a French-language edition.

The definitive ecosocialist response to overpopulation myths is now available in a French-language edition.

Une Planete Trop PeupleeI’m very pleased to announce that Too Many People? Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis (Haymarket Books, 2011) which Australian ecosocialist Simon Butler and I authored, has been published in French, by the Québec publisher Les Éditions Écosociété, with a new preface by Serge Mongeau.

Une planète trop peuplée? Le mythe populationniste, l’immigration et la crise écologique is available now in print form, epub and pdf. It can be purchased from bookstores in Québec, from online booksellers, or directly from Écosociété.

Of the English edition, best-selling author Raj Patel wrote: “This excellent book is steadfast in its refutations of the flabby, misogynist and sometimes racist thinking that population growth catastrophists use to peddle their claims. It’s just the thing to send populationists scurrying back to their bunkers.”


More from my notebook …



  • I hope you will publish this book in German.
    Ich discuss many excerpts from c+c, MR etc with my friends, but they are common emloyees, farmers or workers and often don’t understand english. They have to believe my review and translation, but they often want to read the “original”.


    • Translation into any language requires a publisher that supports the project. Too Many People? is only available in French because a small publishing company, Ecosocialite, took the project on, raised the money, hired a translator, etc. If there’s a publisher willing to do likewise in German — or any other language! — I will fully support the project.