Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Capitalism
Will big business destroy our planet?
The Omega Principle: A vicious circle of fish, cattle and capitalism
‘There is still time for an ecological revolution to prevent Hothouse Earth’
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2018
An ecosocialist reply to a defender of ‘green capitalism’
The fires this time: Implications for ecosocialist strategy
Eternity, nature, society and the absurd fantasies of the rich
An engineer, an economist, and an ecomodernist walk into a bar and order a free lunch . . .
Why the food movement needs to understand capitalism
Poisoned City: How Flint fought back
Ecosocialism and consumerism
Andreas Malm: Revolutionary Strategy in a Warming World
Andreas Malm: ‘Without a mass movement we don’t stand a chance against fossil capital’
Why corporate promises to cut carbon can’t be trusted
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2018
Private Oceans: The enclosure and marketisation of the seas
Economic reconstruction, debt cancellation and self-determination in Puerto Rico!
István Mészáros: Capitalism and Ecological Destruction
How the ruling class remade New Orleans
Hurricane Harvey and the Dialectics of Nature
Capitalism puts profits first, but an ecological society will serve humanity
Radio Interview: Is Capitalism Killing Our Climate?
Al Gore’s Convenient Infomercial for Green Capitalism
Angus interview: How can we save the planet?
We Need a Much Bigger Leap! John Bellamy Foster on Naomi Klein’s ‘No Is Not Enough’
Ten Theses on Farming and Disease
Trump, climate and the breakdown of multilateralism
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2017
Corporate power, militarism, and the tragedy of American science
Ecosocialists debate James Hansen’s climate change exit strategy
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