Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Books & Reports
Face à l’anthropocène: Le capitalisme fossile et la crise du système terrestre
How to create an ecological society
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2018
Do seven cheap things explain the history of capitalism?
Paul Burkett on Kohei Saito’s ‘Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism’
Ecological science fiction: Two hits and a miss
“An accessible and convincing case for ecosocialism”
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2017
Debate: Should ecosocialists oppose population growth?
New reports expose ‘high and rising’ global inequality
“There is no convincing alternative explanation”
MR Press launches pathbreaking new books on ecosocialism
Lancet report: Health impact of climate change impact is ‘the major threat of 21st century’
Sustainable agriculture versus corporate greed
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2017
István Mészáros: Capitalism and Ecological Destruction
Science & Society reviews Facing the Anthropocene
Memo to Jacobin: Ecomodernism is not ecosocialism
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, September 2017
What are the essential books on ecosocialism?
In the Anthropocene, environmentalists must join wider battles
Creating an Ecological Society: Living well is the best revolution
Report shows climate records set in 2016. Yes, the world is warming!
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2017
Marx and Engels on ecology: A reply to radical critics
‘A Redder Shade of Green’ explores the intersections of science and socialism
Essential Debates at the
Intersections of Science and Socialism
We Need a Much Bigger Leap! John Bellamy Foster on Naomi Klein’s ‘No Is Not Enough’
An interesting but flawed take on the Anthropocene
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2017
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