Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Ecosocialism
Victor Wallis reviews ‘Facing the Anthropocene’
Marx and the Earth: Why we wrote an ‘anti-critique’
A vision of democratic ecosocialism
A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe
The Anthropocene and Marxism Today
Some comments on Andreas Malm’s ‘Fossil Capital’
Two Views on Marxist Ecology and Jason W. Moore
In Defense of Ecological Marxism: John Bellamy Foster responds to a critic
Climate & Capitalism editor on Australian speaking tour, April 30-May 14
Varieties of anti-capitalist economics
Essential reading on the Paris climate agreement
Top 10 C&C articles of 2015 … and of all time
Ian Angus: COP21, the climate crisis, and ecosocialism
Climate change: It’s going to take a revolution
How will we get to an ecological civilization?
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2015
Marxism, ecology, and the great transition
FI Statement: Mobilize for change at COP21
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2015
Ecological crisis and the tragedy of the commodity
Ernest Mandel on productivism, limits to growth, and socialist human development
Does Anthropocene science blame all humanity?
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Mining, energy, climate, capitalism: Why don’t NGOs connect the dots?
New ebook shows capitalism and a healthy planet are incompatible
Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective
Top Climate & Capitalism articles for 2014
Forces, relations, and 21st century ecosocialism
Why greens must be red and reds must be green
The IPCC report: Between nightmare and revolution
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