Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Books & Reports
Counterfire review of Too Many People?
Le mythe de la souveraineté du consommateur
Dirty oil and the future of a continent
China faces massive pollution challenge
Is human behavior controlled by our genes? Richard Levins reviews ‘The Social Conquest of Earth’
People Land Truth: A free anniversary ebook by Intercontinental Cry
A reader reviews "Too Many People?"
By Light Alone. What if capitalism eliminated hunger?
Another view of Veblen
Why today's radicals must read Marx's Das Kapital
Forty years of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Infrastructure for whom?
Is 'conspicuous consumption' destroying the earth?
The Royal Society's tunnel vision on population and poverty
The petroleum-powered propaganda machine
‘Deep Green Resistance’ – How not to build a movement
What environmentalists need to know
Dave Foreman’s Man Swarm: Defending wildlife by attacking immigrants
Black Tide: The devastating impact of the gulf oil spill
CDM: Bad for Africa, no solution for climate change
Dirty Money: The true cost of Australia’s mineral boom
Canadian Dimension review of Too Many People?
No Rain in the Amazon: How South America’s climate change affects the entire planet
Can capitalism survive the end of growth?
Truthout review: Too Many People? is 'sane, clear, and forthright'
Why Marx Was Right
Fracking: The new global water crisis
Green Washed: Why we can’t buy our way to a green planet
Opening Pandora’s Box: The new wave of land grabbing
Get political! Occupy activists urged to study and learn from revolutionary giants
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