Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Climate Change
Does fighting climate change require postponing the fight for system change?
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2020
People’s Power: Reclaiming the Energy Commons
‘Worst case’ emissions scenario is best match for reality
Ecosocialist Bookshelf: Mid-July, 2020
Frightening numbers: Biosphere heating accelerates
Heatwaves are longer and more frequent, worldwide
Despite pandemic, CO2 hits new record
Deadly combinations of heat and humidity increasing worldwide
3.5 billion people may face ‘unlivable’ heat in 50 years
Rising heat may crash entire ecosystems
Covid-19: Will Big Oil emerge more powerful than ever?
Global warming is driving increased inequality
‘Venture philanthropists’ seek climate change profits in Myanmar
By 2100, heat stress may affect over 1.2 billion people a year
Confirmed: 2015 to 2019 were the five hottest years on record
An ecosocialist case for CO2 removal technology
In northeastern BC, over 10% of oil and gas wells are leaking methane
A third or more of all species could be gone by 2070
Capitalist roots of the environment crisis
Record climate disasters hit Africa … and worse is coming
Climate change, emissions, and the fat tail risk
Dystopia in the land of Oz: A climate change story
2020 is hot, and it’s going to get much hotter
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2020
Greta Thunberg: ‘Clever statistics and creative PR’ cover inaction on climate crisis
Capitalism versus Life on Earth
Urban farming as a response to climate-driven food crises: Cuba shows the way
Climate change and overfishing boost toxic mercury levels in fish
Greta’s Song: ‘I want you to panic!’
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