Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Marxist Ecology
Explaining the Anthropocene:
An interview with Ian Angus
Fishers and plunderers: The tragedy of the commodity
John Bellamy Foster answers three questions on Marxism and ecology
How will we get to an ecological civilization?
Marxism, ecology, and the great transition
Harry Magdoff on the environment capitalism makes
When did the Anthropocene begin, and why does it matter?
Ecological crisis and the tragedy of the commodity
Green capitalism: the god that failed
Karl Marx: The first ecological sociologist?
Ernest Mandel on productivism, limits to growth, and socialist human development
Unsustainable growth can’t be wished away
Forces, relations, and 21st century ecosocialism
An absurd attack on Naomi Klein and John Bellamy Foster
The rise and fall of environmentalism in the early Soviet Union
Barry Commoner and the Great Acceleration
Conference to examine capital and climate change
Marxism and ecological economics
Haymarket has good news for ecosocialists
Marxism, ecology and human history
On the nature and causes of environmental violence
Marxism and the ecological revolution
The left needs an ecosocialist vision
Marx and Engels, radical environmentalists
Needed: An ecosocialist cosmovision
Capitalism versus Planet Earth – an irreconcilable conflict
Nature and the economy: Marxism in an American labyrinth
Geopolitics of the Amazon
The contradictions of environmental Keynesianism
What environmentalists need to know
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