Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Latin America
Rural activists in Latin America call for socialism
Ecosocialist bookshelf, April 2015
‘Corporate Conquistadors’ versus climate and humanity
How can Latin America go beyond ‘extractivism’?
21st century socialism requires a new culture on the left
Bolivian reality versus the ‘extractivism’ debate
Progressive extractivism: hope or dystopia?
Two views of ‘extractivism’ and ‘buen vivir’
The dangerous myths of ‘anti-extractivism’
World peasant movement: Solidarity with Venezuela!
Chevron’s scorched earth campaign to block justice
Colombian peasants mobilize to block giant El Quimbo dam
The food crisis and agroecology
Quito declaration on ecosocialism and 'buen vivir'
Latin America's Turbulent Transitions
The skewed priorities of Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez on climate change and capitalism
Evo Morales: Ten commandments against capitalism, for life and humanity
Venezuela accelerates land reform
Chevron tries to hide assets from Ecuador judgment
Latin American rural groups urge united action against capital
Ecuador's president responds to 'leftist' critics
Central America: One degree rise means disaster for one million farmers
Brazilian rural workers mobilize: Unity for land, territory, and dignity!
Toxic spill poisons Peruvian village
Biofuels and hunger, two sides of the same coin
Leftist critics of Ecuador should focus on real enemies
Amazonian communities occupy Belo Monte dam site
Brazil: Judge rules Teles Pires dam violates indigenous rights
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