Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
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‘Buen vivir’ and the dilemmas of the Latin American left
Katrina, militarization and climate change
Manifesto: Act to Stop Climate Crimes!
Foodies and farmworkers: Allies or enemies?
Why are critics and media silent on Bolivia’s green gains?
James Hansen: Sea level disaster ahead, but when?
The Hurricane Katrina Pain Index: 10 Years Later
Ecological crisis and the tragedy of the commodity
U.S. veterans: Dismantle the anti-climate, pro-war economy
Science confirms: 2014 was the hottest year on record
NASA: More emissions = More megadroughts
An ecosocialist at the ‘Our Common Future’ conference
Will climate chaos reign in the Anthropocene?
Naomi Klein, Vatican unite to fight climate change
Full text of pope’s statement on environment and exploitation
Avaaz and Greenpeace spread G7 climate illusions
Karl Marx: The first ecological sociologist?
Global warming: the ‘slowdown’ that never happened
Does Anthropocene science blame all humanity?
Trade unions organize for Paris climate talks
Hijacking the Anthropocene
Govts give fossil fuel companies $10 Million a minute
Naomi Klein: To fight climate change we must fight capitalism
400 ppm – an eco-political music video
Corporate greenwashing on Earth Day in New York
Rural activists in Latin America call for socialism
What strategy for an ecological ‘great transition’?
Did early humans wipe out most large mammals?
Naomi Klein, Jodi Dean and ‘Green Keynesianism’
Should U.S. Marxists support the Greens?
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews