Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Books & Reports
Ecosocialist bookshelf, June 2016
Video: Ian Angus introduces ‘Facing the Anthropocene’
Explaining the Anthropocene:
An interview with Ian Angus
Climate & Capitalism editor on Australian speaking tour, April 30-May 14
Can we shop our way to a better world?
Population and food sovereignty: An exchange
Fishers and plunderers: The tragedy of the commodity
Understanding and confronting the great inequality
The real population problem is too many capitalists
Unhealthy environments kill 12.6 million a year
The True Cost of Cheap Meat
Imperialism and super exploitation
The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development
Varieties of anti-capitalist economics
Book Announcement: ‘Facing the Anthropocene’
Why capitalism is addicted to oil and coal
Naomi Klein’s: Capitalism versus Climate
‘Atmosphere of Hope’ bets on ‘geo-engineering lite’
Creative self-destruction: Climate crisis and ‘green capitalism’
Ecosocialist bookshelf, September 2015
‘Buen vivir’ and the dilemmas of the Latin American left
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2015
Mrs Engels: Good novel, bad history
Foodies and farmworkers: Allies or enemies?
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2015
Ecological crisis and the tragedy of the commodity
Science confirms: 2014 was the hottest year on record
Ecosocialist bookshelf, June 2015
Full text of pope’s statement on environment and exploitation
Green capitalism: the god that failed
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