The Sixth Extinction: Are humans the enemy?

Book Review: Elizabeth Kolbert's best-selling account of mass extinctions blames human nature, ignoring the crucial role of capitalism’s relentless search for growth and accumulation.

Should U.S. Marxists support the Greens?

Our job is not to stand across the street yelling at people until they pass resolutions calling for the abolition of surplus value. We must be with the masses, where and when they are willing to struggle.

Bugger the Bankers

A powerful and effective (and true and funny) protest song for our time

The secret history of pollution and the EPA

In 'Poison Spring', an insider documents the culture of fraud and corruption that infests the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and endangers the lives of millions

Capitalism versus rational agriculture

Highly recommended reading: Two articles on the contradictions between growing food to meet essential human needs and growing food to produce profit

Algeria: Protests challenge shale gas plans

Ongoing anti-shale gas protests in southern Algeria pit a well-organised, conscious population against a government that ignores or trivializes their concerns.