Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Canadian Government Muzzles Climate Scientists
    Top climate experts must get approval before speaking to the press Today several Canadian newspapers report that for more than two years climate scientists working for the federal government have had to get formal permission from their political bosses before speaking to reporters. The article is based on a leaked Environment Canada document released by Climate Action ...
  • New Film Exposes Dirty Canadian Oil
    This is the trailer for Dirty Oil, a film about the Alberta Tar Sands that premiers this week in 25 theatres across the UK. It’s narrated by Canadian actress Neve Campbell.
  • Study exposes massive outsourcing of emissions by rich countries
    New study reveals scale of “outsourced emissions” Around a third of industrialised countries carbon emissions are exported to developing nations ++++++++++++ by Bryan Walsh Time Magazine, March 9, 2010 Popularly, China is a villain in climate change. Many people who attended last year’s chaotic U.N. climate-change talks in Copenhagen — especially those who belonged to the U.S. delegation — singled out ...
  • Fidel: The Dangers That Threaten Us
    “The most astounding aspect of our era is the contradiction between imperialist bourgeois ideology and the survival of the species…. While the horizon of knowledge is extending to limits never imagined, the closer the abyss into which humanity is being led is approaching.” by Fidel Castro Ruz March 7, 2010 This is not an ideological issue related to ...
  • Activists Push to Save Greenpeace
    Putting a Canadian Liberal in charge of its international climate change program could put one of the world most successful environmental organizations on the fast track to corporate collaboration
  • FI Supports Cochabamba Peoples’ Summit on Climate
    A resolution adopted by the World Congress of the Fourth International, held in February in Belgium ============== Make the Cochabamba gathering a new stage in the fight for an anticapitalist response to climate change The 16th World Congress of the Fourth International Denounces the caricature of an agreement that 25 major polluting countries reached on the sidelines of the ...
  • Women’s Rights, Population and Climate Change: The Debate Continues
    Should climate activists and feminists support campaigns to slow population growth? Laurie Mazur says that alliance will strengthen the movement. Ian Angus strongly disagrees … Introduction Climate and Capitalism recently published a debate between Betsy Hartmann and Laurie Mazur about campaigns that promote family planning and reproductive health programs as means of slowing population growth and fighting ...
  • Murray Bookchin on Growth and Consumerism
    Perhaps because he was an anarchist, the works of Murray Bookchin are rarely read by ecosocialists today. That’s a pity, because he was one of 20th century’s most insightful writers on environmental politics. The following are excerpts from his article “Death Of A Small Planet,” originally published in The Progressive in 1989. The full text of ...
  • Only CO2 Emissions Can Explain Global Warming
    Deniers take note: No possible natural phenomenon could have caused the huge rise in temperatures experienced in last half-century by Steve Connor The Independent, March 5, 2020 Climate scientists have delivered a powerful riposte to their sceptical critics with a study that strengthens the case for saying global warming is largely the result of man-made emissions of greenhouse ...
  • 3,000 companies cause $2.2 trillion in environmental damage – every year
    The cost of corporate ecocide is greater than the national economies of all but seven countries … +++++++++++++ by Juliette Jowit Guardian, Feb. 18, 2010 The cost of pollution and other damage to the natural environment caused by the world’s biggest companies would wipe out more than one-third of their profits if they were held financially accountable, a major ...
  • Evo Donates 50% of Salary to Haiti and Chile
    The president of Bolivia sets an example … Translated from CubaDebate, March 2, 2010 Bolivia’s President Evo Morales has launched a five-day campaign, called “Chile and Haiti need you,” to raise funds for the two countries. “This is a solidarity campaign with two Latin American peoples who have suffered irreparable climate damage,” said the Bolivian president. Setting ...
  • Climate Change and Environmental Education
    “Environmental educators must formulate a program of instruction which both holds the capitalist economy responsible for the global ecological crisis, while at the same time pointing out new directions in the fight against the ecosystem’s collapse” by Ivonaldo Leite Probably many of the scenarios presented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) most recent reports on ...
  • Open letter to Greenpeace — Don't support colonialist crimes on Diego Garcia!
    Mauritian socialists appeal to Greenpeace to stop supporting the illegal British occupation and the banning of the people of Mauritius and Chagos from part of their own country By Ram Seegobin Lalit de Klas, February 8, 2010 Dear leaders of Greenpeace , We understand that your organisation has taken a position in favour of the British government’s outrageous plan to ...
  • Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial
    The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is running a series by climate activist and author Clive Hamilton on the bullying, lies and funding behind right-wing climate denial … Bullying, lies and the rise of right-wing climate denial Who is orchestrating the cyber-bullying? Think tanks, oil money and black ops Manufacturing a science scandal Who’s defending science?. (Thanks to Duroyan Fertl for alerting us ...
  • Growth and Consumerism: Nature or Nurture?
    Is a desire to always have “more” a fundamental feature of human nature? In Mindful Economics, Joel Magnuson explains how consumerism was deliberately created to meet capitalism’s need for constant growth.
  • Video: Michael Löwy on Freedom, Revolution and Power
    Michael Löwy, a founder of the Ecosocialist International Network, answers three questions about freedom, revolution and power, during the Klimaforum Summit in Copenhagen Thanks to Green Left Global News & Info
  • Say ‘No!’ to Corporate Control of Agriculture and Food!
    La Via Campesina Call to Action: International Day of Peasant Struggle, April 17 To commemorate the International Day of Peasant Struggle on April 17th 2010, the international peasant movement La Via Campesina calls upon member organisations, allies and supporters to unite against transnational corporations (TNCs), which seek complete control over food and agriculture systems around the ...
  • Documenting Lomborg's Lies
    New book deconstructs Bjørn Lomborg’s claim that global warming is no big deal …. Howard Friel. The Lomborg Deception: Setting the Record Straight About Global Warming. Yale University Press. Publication date: March 1, 2010 From the publisher’s announcement: In this major assessment of leading climate-change skeptic Bjørn Lomborg, Howard Friel meticulously deconstructs the Danish statistician’s claim that global ...
  • Is it time to change the IPCC?
    An Australian ecosocialist argues that the framework for climate science has to change to provide faster responses that meet today’s challenges by Renfrey Clarke Green Left Weekly, 19 February 2010 The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an organisation whose time has passed. It needs to be dismantled. As verdicts go, that might seem plucked from ...
  • Do Consumers Cause Climate Change?
    Readers of Climate & Capitalism debate the causes of damaging economic expansion. Do “more consumers” mean “more pollution”? by Ian Angus One of the most contentious debates among green activists concerns the responsibility of individual consumers for promoting greenhouse gas emissions and thus climate change. In addition to the obvious question of whether changing individual behavior is ...