Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Our seas sacrificed for their profits
    Even on its very best day, the oil industry is a series of violent, toxic horrors. Drilling, shipping, refining and burning oil is destroying the planet – at the local level through poisoned air and water, and globally by fuelling climate change. by Simon Basketter Socialist Worker (UK) June 1, 2010 It’s hard to grasp the awesome ...
  • UN Plans Exclusion of Critics and Criticism from Climate Talks
    Bonn meeting discusses keeping ‘civil society’ out of Cancun talks, and adopts a draft negotiating text that ignores the Cochabamba agreements Anne Petermann reports from the interim UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany Climate Connections, June 1, 2010 Several interesting developments at the Funny Farm today and yesterday. The Subsidiary Body on Implementation, or SBI (dontcha just love ...
  • Interview: Indo-American Bolivarian Ecosocialism
    “‘Bolivarian ecosocialism’ is a term that is synonymous with 21st Century Socialism. This socialism is ours, endogenous, and is based on transforming collective consciousness to establish new relationships within society and with the environment.” Sam McGill interviews Natalie Lázaro Barrios Venezuelanalysis, May 30, 2010 In March 2010 I attended a national meeting in Caracas held by the forum for ...
  • Did anyone actually read BP’s oil spill response plan?
    More proof that oil companies can’t be trusted to protect the environment — and that capitalist governments can’t be trusted to make them behave. May 25 news release from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Washington, DC — BP’s official response plan for oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico is studded with patently inaccurate and inapplicable information but ...
  • "We demand the enforcement of the payment of climate debt"
    Document approved by the working group on Climate Debt, during the World Conference of Peoples on Climate Change and the Rights of mother Earth, Bolivia, April 2010 1. Climate Debt Concept Climate debt is an obligation of compensation that is generated because of the damage done to Mother Earth by the irrational emissions of greenhouse gases. The ...
  • David Harvey: The political implications of population-resources theory
    “Whenever a theory of overpopulation seizes hold in a society dominated by an elite, then the non-elite invariably experience some form of political, economic, and social repression.”
  • Anarchists Scapegoated for Ottawa Firebombing
    Statement issued on May 21 by Common Cause, an anarchist organization with branches in four Ontario cities. Despite widespread claims by the media, there is no indication that the recent “firebombing” of an RBC bank branch in Ottawa was carried out by “anarchists.” Nowhere in the statement or video that was published online was it claimed that ...
  • Indigenous Statement on Ottawa Firebombing
    The following statement was issued by the Indigenous Environmental Network, in response to the May 18 firebombing of a bank in Ottawa. For Immediate Release Wednesday May 19, 2010 Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) Statement on the Royal Bank of Canada Firebombing Ottawa, ON, in response to the recent firebombing of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) in Ottawa, Ontario, ...
  • Canadian NGOs Betray First Nations and Forests
    A Globe & Mail editorial calls the new Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement “nothing less than historic” and says it “serves as a model of non-governmental co-operation.” Indigenous activists call it a betrayal. Below,  a CTV news report that includes an interview with Clayton Clayton Thomas-Muller of the Indigenous Environmental Network. See also this report in Vancouver Media Co-Op.
  • Shell vs Niger; Financial Times vs Truth
    Amnesty International sponsored this ad. The Financial Times refused to publish it. Financial Times’ late call thwarts Amnesty’s campaign (May 18, 2010) Amnesty International UK expressed its immense disappointment today at the Financial Times’ decision to pull a new hard-hitting advertisement at the last possible moment. The ad was due to appear today as Shell ...
  • How Big Oil Bought the Interior Department
    For justice to reign, Salazar, Obama, BP and Halliburton need to be brought before something like the International Climate Tribunal proposed at last month’s alternative Climate Summit in Bolivia by Billy Wharton Big oil and coal interests seemed to have reached their high point with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. He was a ...
  • A nightmare that only grows worse
    BP’s cleanup efforts are making the Gulf oil disaster worse, and Washington is playing the blame game while more and more oil spews into the gulf +++++++++++ by Eric Ruder Socialist Worker (US), May 17, 2010 The crude oil belching out of the floor of the Gulf of Mexico where a BP oil well exploded has formed ...
  • BP and the 'Little Eichmanns'
    The corporations, and those who run them, consume, pollute, oppress and kill.  They will drain the last drop of profit from us until there is nothing left. ++++++++++++ by Chris Hedges Truthdig, May 17, 2010 Cultures that do not recognize that human life and the natural world have a sacred dimension, an intrinsic value beyond monetary value, cannibalize themselves ...
  • Video: Toronto Meeting on Cochabamba
    Videos of the talks and entertainment at the Cochabamba Report Back Meeting held in Toronto, May 7. Thanks to Socialist Project and Left Streamed Part One: performance by Red Slam collective Talk by Kimia Ghomeshi, Campaign Director, Canadian Youth Climate Coalition Talk by Ben Powless, Mohawk from Six Nations in Ontario, member of the Indigenous Environmental Network ++++++++ Part Two: Talk by Danny ...
  • The taboo that isn't: Mother Jones on population
    Mother Jones magazine opens a discussion of the population problem. Sort of. Mother Jones is a once-radical now-liberal magazine that promises “smart fearless journalism.” An example of what that means is the main headline on the cover of the current issue: “Who’s to Blame for the Population Crisis?” That’s the lead-in to “The Last Taboo,” by Julia Whitty, ...
  • Evo Morales: United, the developing countries can save the world
    “The response to global warming is global democracy for life and for the Mother Earth.. … we have two paths: to save capitalism, or to save life and Mother Earth.” —Speech by Evo Morales a, President of  Bolivia, to the G77 + China at the United Nations, May 7, 2010 I have come here to share the ...
  • Canadian delegate: Cochabamba shows that another way is possible and necessary
    A talk given at the Cochabamba Report Back Meeting in Toronto, on May 7, by Kimia Ghomeshi of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition I was one of a handful of young people from Canada who attended the Cochabamba World Peoples Conference in hopes of understanding what real and just solutions to the climate change look like ...
  • We are NOT "all in this together"
    The concept of climate debt rests on the fact that no solution to climate change is possible unless it also guarantees justice and social equality by Simon Butler Green Left Weekly, May 9, 2019 One of the most common cliches western politicians like to use to describe the climate crisis is: “We are all in this together.” But ...
  • Indigenous network supports Cochabamba Agreement
    Statement by Tom Goldtooth of the the Indigenous Environmental Network, supporting Bolivia’s submission of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth to the UN My name is Tom B.K. Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network. Our Indigenous network represents indigenous communities throughout the world experiencing the affects of climate change. The Indigenous ...
  • 'The Plundered Planet' — Dangerous neoliberal quackery and ignorance
    A new book by a heavyweight economist regurgitates the politically convenient opinions of rich governments and institutions and displays the blindness and greed that passes for state-of-the-art economic thinking in the liberal establishment The Plundered Planet: How to Reconcile Prosperity with Nature by Paul Collier 288pp, Oxford University Press, 2010. $29.95 Reviewed by John Vidal The Guardian, May 8, ...