Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Can Capitalism Fix the Climate?
    On April 3, a columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald criticized socialists in the climate emergency movement, citing Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and frequent C&C contributor Simon Butler as people who just don’t understand that “Climate is not a class issue.” This is Simon’s response … by Simon Butler Green Left Weekly, 11 April 2010 Albert Einstein ...
  • Video: Bolivia's Ambassador on the People's Climate Summit
    Bolivian Ambassador to the U.N., Pablo Solon, invites individuals, governments and NGOs to Cochabamba, April 20 to 22, 2010, for the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. Note: will be broadcasting live on the Internet from Cochabamba, April 19-22. Details here. Pablo Solon: Part One Pablo Solon: Part Two Pablo Solon: Part Three
  • Why Bolivia Called the World Peoples’ Climate Summit
    “The central aim of any climate summit is not to save itself and accept any outcome, but to come to an agreement that will save humanity.” Media Advisory issued April 11 by the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. More than 10,000 individuals and 50 governments have already registered to ...
  • After Hurricane, Cuba Builds Green Homes
    Cuba is poor in energy and other resources, but it is rich in social commitment, and that provides a powerful framework for the ecological rebuilding of hurricane damaged homes. by Shasta Darlington from CNN, April 11, 2010 “We never imagined having a house like this,” says Eric Martinez as he walks through the three small bedrooms with their ...
  • Bolivia Rejects U.S. Blackmail on Copenhagen Accord
    The Washington Post and the Guardian reported on April 9 that the U.S. is withholding promised climate change adaptation funds from Bolivia and Ecuador, because those countries refused to endorse Obama’s fraudulent Copenhagen Accord. Here’s Bolivia’s response, as reported by the Associated Press  on April 10: Bolivia protests US suspension of climate aid BONN, Germany — Bolivia ...
  • U.S. Activists Call for 'Alliance for Class and Climate Justice'
    Labor militants in midwestern states propose labor-green alliance around the twin crises of climate change and lost jobs For Class and Climate Justice A Working Class Movement For a Peaceful, Sustainable, Full Employment Economy Employer groups such as the National Association of Manufacturers, Chamber of Commerce, American Petroleum Institute, and the National Association of Home Builders, ...
  • Video Interview: Ian Angus in Lisbon
    The editor of Climate and Capitalism was interviewed by during the conference O Clima Farto de Nos? (Is the climate sick of us?), held in Lisbon, March 26-27. The three questions, shown in text in Portuguese, are: Is the climate sick of us? What must be done internationally about this situation? What message would you like to give ...
  • Canadian Drilling Threatens Ecuador Reserve
    Designated as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1997, the threatened park consists of 930,000 hectares of primary tropical and Andean forest and an immense amount of biodiversity. Thanks to Derek Wall of the Green Left (Britain) for drawing this appeal to our attention. ++++++++ Dear friends: The Canandian oil company Ivanhoe Energy obtained a concession from the ...
  • Meet Canada's Fossil Fools …
    (from It’s Getting Hot in Here) People for Climate Justice, a national coalition of concerned residents in Canada wish to announce the Fossil Fools of the Year, but who is it going to be? Vote for your choice. People for CJ have nominated several tar sands supporters, all worthy of the dubious prize. It will be a ...
  • Anticapitalism and Climate Justice
    The current crisis raises the urgent need to change the world from below and do so from an anticapitalist and radical eco-socialist perspective. Anticapitalism and climate justice are two struggles which must be closely linked. by Esther Vivas Today, climate change is an undeniable reality. The political, social and media impact of the Copenhagen Summit in ...
  • The Billionaires Who Finance Climate Science Denial
    The second largest private corporation in the U.S., owned by two of the ten richest people in the country, is spending millions to block action on climate change The following are excerpts from the Executive Summary of Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine, published in March 2010 by Greenpeace. Download the full report here (PDF: ...
  • Videos from Left Bloc Climate Conference
    O Clima Farto de Nos? (Is the climate sick of us?) was held in Lisbon, March 26-27. It was organized by Portugal’s Left Bloc and the parties of the European Left. This important event drew left socialist and green activists from a dozen European countries, to discuss how to build a mass movement for climate change ...
  • After Copenhagen: How Can We Save the World?
    Ian Angus, editor of Climate and Capitalism, gave this talk on March 26, at O Clima Farto de Nós? (Is the Climate Sick of Us?), a conference organized by the Left Bloc and the European Left in Lisbon, Portugal. ============ The December fiasco in Copenhagen has posed a major challenge to the left, indeed to everyone ...
  • Excellent Grafitti
    Thanks to Simon Butler for these photos —–
  • 10 Lessons for the Climate Movement
    From a discussion document prepared by the Melbourne Climate Action Centre for Australia’s 2010 Climate Action Summit. by Damien Lawson Green Left Weekly, 21 March 2010 For the 2009 Climate Summit, I wrote a short article titled “Looking back – moving forward: ten lessons for the climate movement”. It attempted to articulate some of the ...
  • Australia's Climate Movement Takes a Giant Step Forward
    National grassroots conference adopts action plan and a new national network to provide a counterweight to the previously NGO-dominated environment movement by Ewan Saunders Green Left Weekly, 21 March 2010 Three hundred climate activists participated in Australia’s second national Climate Action Summit in Canberra on March 13-15, marking a decisive step forward for the grassroots climate ...
  • Green Imperialism: the Diego Garcia 'Marine Reserve'
    The conservationists pay lip service to the fact that the Chagossians exist. But standing up to imperialism is strictly off the agenda. In quantitative terms, the forced deportation of the people of Diego Garcia may reasonably be considered an imperialist crime of lesser consequence. The initial victims amounted to a mere 1,700, not including their beloved ...
  • Cochabamba climate conference will "Shift power back to the people"
    Bolivia’s UN ambassador explains why his country has called the Peoples’ Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth: “this unique format will help shift power back to the people, which is where it needs to be on this critical issue for all humanity” by Pablo Solón Romero Guardian, March 19, 2010 Pablo Solón is ...
  • ‘I=PAT’ means nothing, proves nothing
    Quoting a mathematical formula might look smart, but algebra is only meaningful when it is given a meaningful content.
  • Earth Hour, Corporate Sponsors and Burning Planets
    Climate activists have to channel popular concern about climate change into rebellion, not tokenism Editorial from Green Left Weekly, 14 March 2010 “Earth Hour” will be held around the world on March 27. The event is organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and involves participants switching off their lights for the hour as a symbolic ...