Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Vancouver rally warns of climate calamity
    According to, there were over 5200 actions in 181 countries marking the October 24, International Day of Climate Action, making it the “most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history.” Reports are still coming in, but it appears that the largest Canadian action was in Vancouver. By Roger Annis VANCOUVER BC–Thousands of people held ...
  • Debate: Is Nuclear Part of the Solution?
    Two environmentalists debate nuclear power. Barry Brook is the Sir Hubert Wilkins professor of climate change at the University of Adelaide. He runs the Brave New Climate blog. Dr Jim Green is national nuclear campaigner with Friends of the Earth and a member of the EnergyScience Coalition. From Green Left Weekly, October 25 2009 It’s time to ...
  • Which Way for Quebec: Green Capitalism or Ecosocialism?
    Climate and Capitalism previously published one section of Marc Bonhomme’s speaking notes for a presentation he made to the Association de défense des droits sociaux du Montréal métropolitain on October 13, on “Which Way Out Of the Crisis?” Thanks to Richard Fidler, we now have a translation of his notes for the entire talk. ========== A. ...
  • Learn from Cuba says New Orleans mayor
    We’re not fans of New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin, but in this case he gets it right. by Tom Mellen Morning Star,   October 21 2009 New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin praised Cuba’s disaster response system on Tuesday, acknowledging that the islands’s socialist authorities “do a much better job than we do.” Mr Nagin, who arrived in Cuba last Friday ...
  • More on Copenhagen: Climate Justice Action
    Climate justice movement plans mass action during UN climate talks. “The UN climate talks will not solve the climate crisis” (October 18) The international network Climate Justice Action (CJA) (1) met this weekend to prepare for mass actions during the international climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December 2009. After 14 years of ineffectual talks, activists from social ...
  • Fidel: A Nobel Prize for Evo
    If Obama was awarded the Nobel for winning the elections in a racist society despite his being African American, Evo deserves it for winning them in his country despite his being a native and his having delivered on his promises. by Fidel Castro October 15, 2009 If Obama was awarded the Nobel for winning the elections in a ...
  • Update on Copenhagen Demo Plans
    (An email from Jørn Andersen) With this news mail we wish to inform you of preparations as we see them from Copenhagen. 12dec09 in Copenhagen: Planet first – People first Preparations and mobilisation for the Global Day of Climate Action on 12. December are starting ...
  • Québec: For Ecosocialist Independence
    Marc Bonhomme, an economist who describes himself as an “anticapitalist, ecosocialist and independentist member of Québec solidaire,” spoke on “Which way out of the crisis?” on October 13 at a dinner meeting organized by the ADDS-MM, a Metropolitan Montréal association of welfare recipients. He has made his speakers’ notes available to Climate and Capitalism. ...
  • Fidel: Humanity is an endangered species
    ‘Our duty is to demand the truth. The populations of all countries have the right to know the factors that are giving rise to climate change and what current possibilities science possesses for reversing the trend’ by Fidel Castro (September 21, 2009) I would have liked to talk today about the exceptional Peace without Borders concert that took ...
  • Four Degrees of Devastation
    Four degrees of warming would be hotter than any time in the last 30 million years, and it could happen as soon as 2060 to 2070 By Stephen Leahy The prospect of a four-degree Celsius rise in global average temperatures in 50 years is alarming – but not alarmist, climate scientists now believe. Eighteen months ago, no one ...
  • Rich countries block progress at climate talks
    International Institute for Environment and Development says rich countries aren’t carrying through on their promises The UN climate change negotiations that end today in Bangkok have largely failed to deliver any substantive progress on targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, or the transfer of technology and finance from rich to poorer nations for adaptation ...
  • Youth delegates declare 'No Confidence' in climate negotiations
    “Our future is being held hostage to interests that have consistently thumbed their noses at the international community and their obligations to the rest of the world” (Grist, October 7, 2009) Today marked one of the final days of the Bangkok U.N. Climate Negotiations. With the end of this intersessional in sight, the International Youth Delegation (IYD) ...
  • Rich Countries Sabotaging Climate Talks
    Statement from China and G77 nations at climate talks in Bangkok claims rich nations are rejecting historical responsibilities by John Vidal Guardian, October 5, 2009 The US and other developed countries are attempting to “fundamentally sabotage” the Kyoto protocol and all-important international negotiations over its next phase, according to coordinated statements by China and 130 developing countries ...
  • Indigenous Network: Reject REDD in Climate Treaty!
    Indigenous Environmental Network calls for solutions that reduce emissions, protect forests and respect rights Bangkok, October 1, 2009 – Carbon markets should be eliminated from any future plans to tackle global warming, says a leading group of Indigenous Peoples present in Bangkok at the latest round of UN climate negotiations. In a report released today, the ...
  • The Population Myth
    People who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor By George Monbiot, 29th September 2009 It’s no coincidence that most of those who are obsessed with population growth are post-reproductive wealthy white men: it’s about the only environmental issue for which they can’t ...
  • 'Carbon Cowboys' Selling Fake Credits
    C&C has often described ‘carbon offsets’ as a fraud that allows polluters off the hook. Now there are frauds within the fraud … By Chris Lang REDD Monitor, Sept. 28, 2009 A couple of months ago, Kevin Conrad commented that “because Papua New Guinea was advocating a regime shift in forests, we had every carbon cowboy ...
  • Should Ecosocialists Stop Flying?
    A strategy based on personal change incorrectly blames powerless individuals  instead of  those who actually wield power in this system and  the system itself Introduction, by Ian Angus Climate and Capitalism recently featured a video of a talk I gave at a conference in England. A reader responded: Can a person really be an environmentalist if they choose to ...
  • UN: Climate Changing Much Faster than Expected
    “Recent science suggests that it may still be possible to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. However, this will only happen if there is immediate, cohesive and decisive action to both cut emissions and assist vulnerable countries adapt.” (United Nations Environment Program news Release, Sept. 24, 2009) The pace and scale of climate change may ...
  • REDD: Privatising the World’s Forests
    Climate justice demands that industrialized countries, who are the biggest culprits in causing climate change, must take the greatest responsibility to protect the world’s forests by Susan Austin Green Left Weekly, September 20 2009 Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is the name of a World Bank sponsored carbon offset program. The idea ...
  • Copenhagen Climate Demo, December 12, 2009
    On Saturday 12th December, midway through the UNFCCC Climate Talks 2009, we invite you and your organisation to join us in bringing to the negotiators in Copenhagen a massive, loud and visible demonstration of the world’s will to act. The core of our demands is as follows: “We demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute ...