Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • The 'Copenhagen moment' must become the 'people’s moment'
    “Our challenge today is to re-write the story of the kind of victory that we’re fighting for. Our new story needs to be believable, irresistible, and worth fighting for.” by Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan In December, a delegation of racial, economic, and environmental justice organizers went to Copenhagen for the UN Climate Negotiations. They were there fighting for real ...
  • If the climate were a bank, they’d have saved it by now
    The rich countries went to Copenhagen to defend their stakes in the capitalist world economy ahead of all else. Green Left Weekly Editorial January 16 2010 The formal outcome of the Copenhagen climate summit was a huge fiasco. It confirmed the world’s corporate rulers were simply unwilling to act in defence of people and the planet. Human civilisation stands ...
  • The Birth of a New Global Movement
    by Jonathan Neale (SWP Online) Copenhagen saw the birth of a new global movement. The first reason was the demonstration on Saturday. The official police estimate was that there were 100,000 marchers. The march was long, loud, cold, bouncy, and energetic, about half Danes and half foreigners. I moved up and down the line, and everywhere people were chanting. ...
  • Women’s Rights, Population and Climate Change: A Debate
    Should supporters of women’s rights campaign for population reduction? Two very different feminist perspectives … Introduction The articles below were originally published in the Fall 2009 issue of On the Issues: The Progressive Women’s Magazine. They are reproduced here by permission. Betsy Hartmann, author of “The ‘New’ Population Control Craze: Retro, Racist, Wrong Way to Go,” is the ...
  • Hugo Blanco on Copenhagen: 'Only extinction of capitalism will ensure the survival of our species’
    It is naive to think that the world’s major polluters will do anything about climate protection. by Hugo Blanco translated by Richard Fidler for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal “The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is already so high that the climate system has been brought out of balance. The CO2 concentration and global temperatures have ...
  • Save the Earth, Close the Pentagon!
    How is it possible that the worst polluter of carbon dioxide and other toxic emissions on the planet is not a focus of any conference discussion or proposed restrictions? By Sara Flounders International Action Center In evaluating the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen — with more than 15,000 participants from 192 countries, including more than 100 heads ...
  • Bolivia: Invitation to the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights
    April 20-22, 2010 – Cochabamba, Bolivia CALL Considering that climate change represents a real threat to the existence of humanity, of living beings and our Mother Earth as we know it today; Noting the serious danger that exists to islands, coastal areas, glaciers in the Himalayas, the Andes and mountains of the world, poles of the Earth, warm ...
  • War Ravages Afghan Environment
    ‘As bombs fall, civilians are not the only ones put at risk, and the lasting environmental impacts of the war may not be known for years, perhaps decades, to come.’ by Joshua Frank (Truthout, Dec. 28, 2009) Shipping off 30,000 more troops to the land of the Taliban may be infuriating to devoted antiwar activists, but the toll ...
  • Big Green NGOs: Sleeping With the Enemy
    The largest climate change campaign in the world is in bed with the world’s most powerful corporations. … The mainstream environmental movement no longer inspires nor leads society to an enlightened existence – it simply bows down to the status quo. Cory Morningstar of Canadians for Action on Change has written a biting expose and critique ...
  • Barry Commoner: The Illusion of Consumer Sovereignty
    The reason we’re in trouble with automobile pollution is big cars. As Henry Ford said, “Mini cars make mini profits.” The reason Detroit went to big cars is not that people wanted them — until they were told. It was because big cars were more profitable. Still, the issue always comes up: Isn’t ...
  • For a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
    Evo Morales proposed it last April, and now the United Nations has agreed to discuss it. Will humanity adopt a new declaration, one that defends our planet and its biodiversity from extinction? by Pablo Solón and Comrac Cullinan For Bolivia, December marked an important and historic step forward in climate change politics. We are of course ...
  • Pale Greens Honor Climate Vandals
    For some, a tiny tax outweighs massive environmental destruction by Roger Annis At first glance, it seemed that the “Yes Men” had scored another comedic coup for Mother Earth. CBC Radio news reported on December 16 that on the previous day, British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell was feted and presented an environmental award by many of Canada’s ...
  • And you thought carbon offsets couldn't get worse!
    Climate and Capitalism has frequently commented on two widespread illusions – that global warming is caused by overpopulation, and that buying offsets is an effective way to combat greenhouse gas emissions. I never imagined that anyone would try to combine them. by Ian Angus Three years ago, Carbon Trade Watch published a report called The Carbon Neutral ...
  • Inside Report: How ALBA Fought for Humanity in Copenhagen
    Evo Morales: “I have heard many debates in the UN where presidents condemn climate change but they never say what causes it. We say clearly that it is caused by capitalism.” By Ron Ridenour “Nobel War Prize winner walked in and out of a secret door, and that is the way capitalism and the United ...
  • What Next for the Global Climate Movement?
    A movement of movements is already starting to take shape. Spurred into action by the announcement of the Accord, activists came together on the Saturday after the COP to discuss building a united global movement in each country. By Roy Wilkes Something rotten happened in Denmark. The fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties, in which ...
  • Fidel Castro: We must continue to defend humanity's right to life
    In the meetings leading up to Copenhagen, it became clear that the leaders of the USA and the other wealthiest countries were maneuvering to place the burden of sacrifice on the emergent and poor countries. by Fidel Castro Ruz December 26, 2009 Climate change is already causing enormous damage and hundreds of millions of poor people are enduring ...
  • Curing the Post-Copenhagen Hangover
    Uncivil society will have to take up the slack and apply direct pressure, starting with the slogan ‘leave the oil in the soil, the coal in the hole and the tarsand in the land!’ By Patrick Bond In Copenhagen, the world’s richest leaders continued their fiery fossil fuel party last Friday night, ignoring requests of global village ...
  • Bolivia Calls World Conference of Social Movements
    April 22, 2010: International Day of Mother Earth CHUQUISACA, Bolivia, December 20 — Bolivian President Evo Morales announced today that a world conference of social movements is to take place in Bolivia, as a response to the failure of the 15th Summit on Climate Change, recently held in Copenhagen. “The problems of climate change are directly linked ...
  • Tanuro: Excellent News from Copenhagen
    More and more people understand that climate degradation is not the outcome of “human activity” in general but of a mode of an unsustainable mode of production and consumption by Daniel Tanuro International Viewpoint, December 2009 Daniel Tanuro is a Belgian ecosocialist and journalist. We knew the United Nations summit in Copenhagen would not conclude with ...
  • Hugo Chavez: A Battle for the Planet Has Begun
    “Copenhagen is not the end, I repeat, but a beginning: the doors have been opened for a universal debate on how to save the planet, life on the planet. The battle continues.” By Hugo Chávez Frías President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela translated by Kiraz Janicke for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal I Copenhagen was the scene ...