Videos from Left Bloc Climate Conference

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O Clima Farto de Nos? (Is the climate sick of us?) was held in Lisbon, March 26-27. It was organized by Portugal’s Left Bloc and the parties of the European Left.

This important event drew left socialist and green activists from a dozen European countries, to discuss how to build a mass movement for climate change in the wake of the December conference in Copenhagen. Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus was a featured speaker.

Click here for the text of Ian Angus’s talk.

Click here for a video interview with Ian Angus during the conference.

The short videos below were prepared by members of the Left Bloc. Climate and Capitalism will post more as they become available.

Some photographs of the event are available on Flickr.

Overview of Day One (in Portuguese)

Marisa Matias, Left Bloc member of the European Parliament (in Portuguese)

Lothar Bisky, president of the European Left and member of the European Parliament from the German party Die LInke (in English)