Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • The real scandal in the hacked climate change e-mails controversy
    To doubt the greenhouse effect or to doubt major anthropogenic climate change is about as sensible as doubting anthropogenic lung cancer by Rupert Read (Our Kingdom, Nov 25, 2009) It is day six of the ‘scandal’ over the hacked emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia’s School of Environmental Sciences, in which a ...
  • Is China to blame for climate change?
    Western rulers are attempting to deflect responsibility by obscuring their part in pushing up China’s carbon emissions by Sadie Robinson Socialist Worker (Britain), November 24, 2009 Bitter rows over who is responsible for climate change lie behind much of the dithering by world leaders in the run up to the United Nations climate talks in Copenhagen next ...
  • Climate Scientists: Commonwealth Should Suspend Canada
    “If the Commonwealth is serious about holding its members to account, then threatening the lives of millions of people in developing countries should lead to the suspension of Canada’s membership immediately” by Damian Carrington The Guardian, November 26 2009 Prominent campaigners, politicians and scientists have called for Canada to be suspended from the Commonwealth over its climate ...
  • Climate Change Already Ravaging Africa
    The continent accounts for just four percent of global greenhouse gas emissions but suffers the most from its effects. By Boris Bachorz Agence Presse France, November 21, 2009 NAIROBI – From prolonged droughts to melting ice caps to heavy flooding and unpredictable weather patterns, climate change effects are already wrecking lives in Africa, the continent that pollutes the ...
  • Climate Scientists: Delay risks irreversible damage
    In a new report, ‘The Copenhagen Diagnosis’, 26 researchers, most of whom are authors of published IPCC reports, conclude that several important aspects of climate change are occurring at the high end or even beyond the expectations of only a few years ago. Executive Summary The most significant recent climate change findings are: Surging greenhouse gas emissions: ...
  • New Ecosocialist Party in Switzerland
    ‘The Left’ aims to challenge Social Democrats and Greens The following article appeared in Swiss News Worldwide on November 22. Left-leaning parties receive competition A new Swiss political party has been founded. “The Left” will attempt to win votes with a platform more leftwing than that of the Greens or Social Democrats. Around 200 people took part ...
  • Socialists, the Environment and Ecosocialism: A View from South Africa
    From a paper presented by Trevor Ngwane to the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation conference on “The Global Crisis and Africa: Struggles for Alternatives,” Randburg, South Africa, November 19, 2009. There is an ecological crisis in the world and this crisis can be traced to capitalism. There is deforestation due to the trade in timber. There is climate ...
  • Naomi Klein on Climate Debt and Climate Rage
    Why rich countries should pay reparations to poor countries for the climate crisis On  November 23, on the always excellent program Democracy Now, Naomi Klein, author of “No Logo” and “The Shock Doctrine,” discussed her recent article for Rolling Stone magazine, Climate Rage. That piece in Rolling Stone is looking at a growing demand for the repayment ...
  • The Dark History of Population Control
    The future must be both pro-life and pro-choice, combining forces to oppose population control of any kind
  • Socialism, Democracy and Movement-Building
    Editor’s note: Beyond discussing the causes and implications of ecological destruction, ecosocialists need to consider what kind of movement is needed to transform society. This article, by a leading member of the British group Socialist Resistance, offers some trenchant criticisms of the “really existing left” in capitalist countries today. by Liam Mac Uaid Napkins are hardly ...
  • World on Course for Catastrophic 6° Rise
    Fast-rising carbon emissions mean that worst-case predictions for climate change are coming true by Steve Connor and Michael McCarthy The Independent, November 18, 2009 The world is now firmly on course for the worst-case scenario in terms of climate change, with average global temperatures rising by up to 6°C by the end of the century, leading scientists said ...
  • Friedman Fantasizes about Green Capitalism
    The mentality that “natural capitalism” can save the world will lead to a the “Fortress World” scenario, the rich, walled in enclaves, periodically breached by the world’s poor (Courtesy of Jewbonics, November 15, 2009) Climate change is class war, extended to future generations. Capitalist economic production says, our accrual of wealth is more important than your desire ...
  • Food Summit Fails Before It Starts
    Despite record-high harvests, the number of hungry people continues to rise – and the world’s rulers do nothing By Nick Squires Telegraph (Britain) November 12, 2009 The leaked World Food Summit draft declaration falls short of a UN goal of eradicating hunger by 2025. Instead, leaders are expected to to sign a watered down declaration in Rome ...
  • Carbon Trading: A Spectacular Failure
    Free-market ideologues still trumpet the virtues of carbon trading, but a host of NGOs, businesspeople and even government bodies now admit that we got it badly wrong. by Kevin Smith China Dialogue, November 9, 2009 Carbon trading isn’t working, and doesn’t show any signs of improving either. The biggest experiment in carbon trading so far, the European ...
  • Most Vulnerable Nations Seek Climate Justice
    Final Draft of declaration issued November 11 in the Maldives, by the Climate Vulnerable Forum, comprising the 11 countries considered most vulnerable to climate change: Maldives, Kiribati, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Barbados and Bhutan. We, Heads of State, Ministers and representatives of Government from Africa, Asia, Caribbean and the Pacific, representing some of the ...
  • Update on "The Global Fight for Climate Justice"
    Canada’s leading publisher and distributor of progressive books will publish a North American edition of The Global Fight for Climate Justice: Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Environmental Destruction. The first edition, edited by Ian Angus (editor of Climate & Captalism), was published in July in England, by Resistance Books. It has been reviewed by: Ash Pemberton ...
  • Climate Talks on the Road to Nowhere
    The seeds of the current impasse were planted in Bali and nourished in subsequent negotiations by David Spratt Green Left Weekly The global community is supposed to be negotiating an agreement to contain greenhouse gas emissions to manageable levels. But with less than two months to the Copenhagen climate change conference, the big players are stuck in ...
  • Denmark Aims to Criminalize Climate Protests
    As the Copenhagen climate summit approaches, the Danish government is rushing through a harsh new law that allows preventive detention, increases fines and extends sentences for demonstrators Derek Wall (Another Green World) shares this proposed letter to Danish authorities, written by an ecosocialist activist in Copenhagen. He encourages activists worldwide to send similar protests to the ...
  • The Looming Debacle in Copenhagen
    The major capitalist powers are blocking the road to a global climate treaty … and preparing to blame China for the failure by Phil Ward from Socialist Resistance Any hopes that the December Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen will produce a treaty on greenhouse gas emission reductions are fading rapidly. Janos Pasztor, director of the UN Climate Change ...
  • Carbon Capture Can't Clean the Tar Sands
    A new study produced by The Co-operative Financial Services and WWF-UK debunks the idea, lauded by oil companies and the Canadian government, that carbon capture and storage (CCS) will significantly counter the high levels of greenhouse gases emitted in the production of oil from the Alberta tar sands. The following is the Executive Summary of Carbon ...