Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • World People's Summit Calls for a Climate Justice Tribunal
    “A permanent global mobilization has to begin to take on the global struggles for the defense of environmental balance, for the defense of Mother Earth.” by Claudia Lopez Pardo Solve Climate, April 23, 2010 After three days of arduous debate, discussion and cultural meetings, theWorld People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of the Mother ...
  • ALBA Summit vows to fight Climate Change with System Change
    Evo Morales: “The hour to combat the capitalist economic model and system, which has caused so much damage to life and humanity, has arrived.” by Kiraz Janicke Venezuela Analysis, April 20, 2010 During the IXth Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) held in Caracas, Venezuela, April 18 to 19, member countries ...
  • Cuban VP in Cochabamba: To Defend Life We Must Abolish Capitalism
    Speech by Esteban Lazo Hernández, vice president of Cuba’s Council of State, at the closing session of the People’s World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, at the Félix Capriles Stadium, Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 22, 2010. Translation by Granma International Viva the struggle of the peoples of Latin America and of the world! ...
  • People's Summit Adopts 'Cochabamba Protocols'
    Final Agreement of Peoples proposes legal framework for protecting Mother Earth, supports Indigenous rights, condemns imperialism (See the end of this article for a link to the People’s Agreement text in Spanish. Climate and Capitalism will publish an English translation as soon as possible.) by Brenda Norrell Censored News COCHABAMBA, Bolivia — The World Peoples Conference on Climate ...
  • Earth Day in Bolivia: Indigenous Peoples Vow to Defend Mother Earth
    “We cannot solve this crisis with out addressing the root cause: a fossil fuel economy that disregards the rights of Mother Earth” (Media Release from Indigenous Environmental Network) (Cochabamba, Bolivia) As Earth Day celebrations commence around the world, Indigenous Peoples from across the Americas are in Cochabamba, Bolivia today to close the historic conference on climate change ...
  • Naomi Klein: A New Climate Movement in Bolivia
    Bolivia’s enthusiastic commitment to participatory democracy may well prove the summit’s most important contribution … the end result was the most transformative and radical vision so far. by Naomi Klein Guardian, April 22, 2010 (Cochabamba, Bolivia) It was 11 am and Evo Morales had turned a football stadium into a giant classroom, marshaling an array of props: paper plates, ...
  • In Bolivia, we are experts in the impossible
    “We believe that the World People’s Conference in Cochabamba will raise world consciousness and mobilize the consciousness of the peoples of the planet” by Ballivian Eliana Los Tiempos, April 11, 2010 (Los Tiempos is the largest circulation newspaper in Cochabamba, Bolivia) The questions were asked by Juan Pablo Guzman, Vice Foreign Minister: “Will the number of heads ...
  • Rebick: Cochabamba shows the way forward
    Earth Day is limited by today’s corporate capitalism. In Bolivia, a different imagination is possible. By Judy Rebick Canadian Dimension blog, April 22, 2010 Judy Rebick, a well-known Canadian social justice activist, holds the Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University. Her most recent book is Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political. It’s ...
  • Obama's climate deal puts world 'in dire peril'
    “Equivalent to racing towards a cliff and hoping to stop just before it” See also: “Copenhagen Accord pledges are paltry” Nature, April 22 (subscription required) “Report points to Canada’s lack of emissions cuts” Vancouver Sun, April 22. “Copenhagen Accord misses 2° C climate target” News Release April 22, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research ++++++++++++ by Ben Webster Times Online, April 21, 2010 The national pledges ...
  • Australian 'Beyond Zero' Activists at People's Summit
    Australian ‘Beyond Zero Emissions’ activists report on their experiences at the World People’s Summit in Cochabamba By Pablo and Taegen Beyond Zero Emissions, April 20 and 22 DAY ONE Today the conference began. Unfortunately it was marked by a registration process that seemed to have been designed by the love child of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Franz ...
  • Canadian Climate Scientist Sues National Post for Libel
    Andrew Weaver accuses the right-wing newspaper of  conducting “a campaign of malicious attacks … characterized by defamatory expression and injurious falsehoods” by Richard Littlemore DeSmog Blog, April 21, 2010 Dr. Andrew Weaver, one of the most respected climate scientists in Canada and one of the best climate modellers in the world, has launched a libel suit against ...
  • Canadian Youth Activist Reports from Cochabamba
    “What I am seeing before me, here in Cochabamba, is a truly global resistance. A resistance to the world’s greatest polluters– polluters who refuse to accept their responsibility for causing this global catastrophe” by Kimia Ghomeshi G20 and Climate Organizer for Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, from It’s Getting Hot in Here April 21, 2010. Kimia Ghomeshi will be ...
  • Evo Morales: Either capitalism dies or Mother Earth dies
    “We have two paths: either capitalism dies or Mother Earth dies. Either capitalism lives or Mother Earth lives. Of course, brothers and sisters, we are here for life, for humanity and for the rights of Mother Earth. Long live the rights of Mother Earth! Death to capitalism!” Bolivian President Evo Morales
  • Eduardo Galeano: Message to the Mother Earth Summit
    The rights of human beings and the rights of nature are two names of the same dignity by Eduardo Galeano Unfortunately, I shall not be able to be with you. Something has come up that prevents me from traveling. But I’d like to be, in some way, part of this meeting of yours, this meeting ...
  • Report Back from Cochabamba: Toronto, May 7
    DON’T MISS THIS MEETING! For those in Toronto and southern Ontario, this is a vital opportunity to learn about the most important global meeting this year. Climate and Capitalism will be there — join us!!!! Your chance to hear from participants in the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, held in ...
  • Evo: 'Planet or death, we shall overcome!'
    “Capitalism is the main enemy of the Earth” Prensa Latina via Links International Journal of Socialist Revewal April 20, 2010—Cochabamba, Bolivia — Bolivia’s President Evo Morales Ayma condemned the capitalist system in the opening session of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth today. Morales, speaking at the April 20 conference inauguration, started ...
  • Civil Society Playing Key Role in People's Conference
    “We believe the people’s conference is a fundamental space because if a pole of subversion and response is not created, and if we don’t take the floor from the governments, there is no possibility that the negotiations will advance” (IPS, April 19, 2010) The success of the climate change conference taking place in the central Bolivian ...
  • North American Indigenous Activists in Cochabamba
    Indigenous peoples of North America join President Evo Morales in Bolivia for historic Earth Day Climate Change Conference April 20, 2010. News Release from Indigenous Environmental Network Cochabamba, Bolivia — Indigenous Peoples from across North America and their allies from around the world gathered at the invitation of Bolivian President Evo Morales in Cochabamba this morning for the ...
  • From Copenhagen to Cochabamba, via the Amazon
    On his way to the World Peoples’ Conference in Bolivia, a member of the Indigenous Environmental Network from the Six Nations in Ontario revisits the scenes of struggle to defend indigenous communities and rights in the Peruvian Amazon. by Ben Powless This article first appeared in, and is published here with the author’s permission. Photos he took ...
  • Pricing Emissions is the Wrong Solution
    “The greenhouse gas problem is not a pollution problem, and if you apply pollution thinking you will come up with bad policies.” A criticism of Paul Krugman’s NYT article by Ian Angus The cover story in the April 5 New York Times Magazine is “Building a Green Economy,” by noted economist Paul Krugman. Rather than the paean to ...