A brilliant new science fiction novel explores the social consequences of introducing a technological fix for hunger into a world where profit makes the rules.
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Israel’s environmental colonialism and eco-apartheid
By greenwashing the occupation, Israel hides its apartheid behind an environmentalist mirage, and distracts public attention not only from its brutal oppression of the Palestinian people, but from its large-scale degradation of the earth upon which these tragedies unfold.
Rio+20 proves capitalism won't save the planet
While the world's governments refused to act, 50,000 thousands trade unionists, rural workers, landless peasants and indigenous peoples demonstrated outside. They are the real hope for a mass anti-capitalist movement movement to stop environmental disaster.
China Miéville on art and politics
A Marxist science fiction writer on how we feel about the art we like or dislike, and how that relates to politics
Bolivia resolves to nationalize Canadian mining company
Despite attempts by the Canadian company to divide indigenous communities, a new agreement will ensure that Bolivia's resources are used to benefit the country's people.
Another view of Veblen
Michael Perelman says Thorstein Veblen has become more relevant than ever.
Fukushima: A disaster manufactured in the imperial boardrooms of capital
Chris Williams:Conscious actions by the ruling elite, not natural causes, led directly to the triple nuclear meltdowns. The decisions they made were dictated by the prime directive of capitalism: there is no higher power than the God of Profit.
WPD: Gates to coercive contraception
Betsy Hartmann: On World Population Day, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosts an international meeting that blames poor women for the social ills caused by the rich and powerful. Human rights activists fear this heralds a serious backslide to the bad old days of coercive contraception and...
US heatwave: "This is what global warming looks like"
So many temperature records were being broken that there is no point in listing or even attempting to summarise all of the June monthly records
David Rovics sings "The Commons"
This wonderful song by U.S. singer/songwriter David Rovics has been running through my head