Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Oil, Oil Industry
Louisiana is drowning, quickly
Tutu: We must boycott the fossil fuel industry
How the U.S. exports global warming
Chevron’s scorched earth campaign to block justice
Is oil safer in pipelines than rail? Nope.
Tar Sands or Oil Sands? Behind the petro-spin
Video: How tar sands threaten our communities
Lessons of the Lac Mégantic oil train disaster
After the explosion: Deadly pollution in Lac-Mégantic
Oil industry wrote State Department report on Keystone XL
Photos: A tar sands pipeline-in-waiting
Tar Free 613
Oil, energy and capitalism: An unpublished talk by Barry Commoner
Quebec ecosocialists analyse the Lac-Mégantic tragedy
The Lac-Mégantic disaster: Capitalism kills
Greedy plutocrat quote of the decade
Terracide: Destroying the planet for profit
Tar sands: Alberta puts a fox in charge of the henhouse
What BP doesn’t want you to know about the 2010 Gulf spill
James Hansen: Keystone XL is a pipeline to disaster
Why Shell can't be trusted in the Arctic
Exxon hates your children
Chevron tries to hide assets from Ecuador judgment
Oil boom threatens climate catastrophe
The very definition of oil industry madness
Tar sands come to Ontario: No Line 9!
Pipelines: More lies told by lying liars
Pipeline job promises: lies told by lying liars
Iraq: Mission accomplished for Big Oil?
Shell finances violent human rights abusers in Nigeria
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