What BP doesn’t want you to know about the 2010 Gulf spill

An anonymous whistleblower has provided evidence that BP was warned in advance about the safety risks of attempting to cover up its leaking oil.

On the third anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, Newsweek publishes Mark Hertsgaard’s expose of how BP covered up the full extent of its crimes. Never-before-published information reveals that BP knowingly sacrificed the health of clean-up workers, coastal residents and the Gulf ecosystem for its public relations goal of making the oil spill disappear, at least from the world’s TV screens.

BP mounted a cover-up that concealed the full extent of its crimes from public view. This cover-up prevented the media and therefore the public from knowing—and above all, seeing—just how much oil was gushing into the gulf. The disaster appeared much less extensive and destructive than it actually was. BP declined to comment for this article.

That BP lied about the amount of oil it discharged into the gulf is already established. Lying to Congress about that was one of 14 felonies to which BP pleaded guilty last year in a legal settlement with the Justice Department that included a $4.5 billion fine, the largest fine ever levied against a corporation in the U.S.

What has not been revealed until now is how BP hid that massive amount of oil from TV cameras and the price that this “disappearing act” imposed on cleanup workers, coastal residents, and the ecosystem of the gulf. That story can now be told because an anonymous whistleblower has provided evidence that BP was warned in advance about the safety risks of attempting to cover up its leaking oil. Nevertheless, BP proceeded. Furthermore, BP appears to have withheld these safety warnings, as well as protective measures, both from the thousands of workers hired for the cleanup and from the millions of Gulf Coast residents who stood to be affected.

Read Mark Hertsgaard’s full report in the Daily Beast


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