Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Indigenous
COP or CON? Big Conservation corrupts biodiversity protection
Tanzania escalates violence to evict indigenous people
Hugo Blanco, peasant leader and ecosocialist, 1934-2023
Indigenous fighters resist forest destruction in Peru
Hugo Blanco: ‘Social movements in defense of our territories are our hope’
Indigenous organizations in Peru declare state of emergency
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2021
Indigenous actions have stopped billions of tons of emissions
No Hope for Earth without Indigenous Liberation
Crisis in the Amazon: A Planetary Challenge
The Dakota Access Pipeline and the Long Tradition of Resistance
Indigenous people may be the Amazon’s last hope
Amazonian community’s lands destroyed for ‘sustainable’ palm oil
End human rights abuses in forest conservation
Indigenous sovereignty and socialism in Canada
Hugo Blanco on the indigenous struggle for land in Peru
Conservation as genocide: REDD versus Indigenous rights in Kenya
Site C Dam: BC NDP fails major environmental test
To win climate justice we must hit Trump where it hurts
U.S. labor brass to pipeline protestors: Drop Dead!
Enbridge Mercenaries Attack Native American Protesters
First nation chiefs deposed for supporting pipeline
Canada: Leap Manifesto unites broad forces, builds climate justice campaigns
Condemn the murder of Honduran indigenous leader!
‘Buen vivir’ and the dilemmas of the Latin American left
Why are critics and media silent on Bolivia’s green gains?
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2015
First Nations: Enbridge pipeline claim is ‘out of touch with reality’
Ecosocialist bookshelf, April 2015
How can Latin America go beyond ‘extractivism’?
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews