Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Ecosocialism
“An accessible and convincing case for ecosocialism”
Capitalism, exterminism and the long ecological revolution
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2017
Debate: Should ecosocialists oppose population growth?
John Bellamy Foster on Jacobin and Ecomodernism
MR Press launches pathbreaking new books on ecosocialism
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2017
Memo to Jacobin: Ecomodernism is not ecosocialism
Jacobin and ecomodernism: Two replies
What are the essential books on ecosocialism?
In the Anthropocene, environmentalists must join wider battles
Creating an Ecological Society: Living well is the best revolution
Capitalism puts profits first, but an ecological society will serve humanity
Radio Interview: Is Capitalism Killing Our Climate?
Video: Ian Angus on the Anthropocene and ecosocialism
‘A Redder Shade of Green’ explores the intersections of science and socialism
Essential Debates at the
Intersections of Science and Socialism
The significance of Naomi Klein: An ecosocialist exchange
Three Manifestos: Climate Struggles and Ecosocialism
‘We need a resistance movement for the planet’
John Bellamy Foster answers five questions about Marxism and ecology
‘Ecosocialism is more than a strategy, it’s a project for civilization’
Climate crisis: There is only one way out
Socialist tendency formed in Australian Green Party
New ecosocialist books coming from MR Press
Ten years of Climate & Capitalism
Ecosocialist Terry Townsend Needs Our Help
Terry Townsend: A Marxist Analysis of Climate Change
Creating a society that meets human needs
Metabolic Rift and Ecological Value: the Ecosocialist Challenge
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