As seen on Fox Seuss
Stop EDF's sell-out to the frackers!
Activists outraged as Environmental Defense Fund takes $6 million from Bloomberg to shill for the gas industry
Anti-fracking movement growing in New York
Campaign urging direct action against hydraulic-fracturing wins broad support; thousands of fracktivists march in state capital
Vandana Shiva: Industrial agriculture causes hunger
Hunger and malnutrition are man-made, hardwired in the design of industrial and chemical agriculture. But healthy and nutritious food for all can also be designed, through food democracy.
Bangladesh: Floods + capitalism = starving children
Unprecedented floods have destroyed homes, livelihoods and crops ... and the resulting poverty and debt is creating a generation of undernourished children
Racism in a fancy green wrapper
Why I refused an invitation to speak at a public meeting in Washington
Seven years after: The 2012 Katrina Pain Index
The answer to the question “Can capitalism solve global warming?” is “Yes, but you really won’t like the solution!”
Iraq: Mission accomplished for Big Oil?
How the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq paved the way for Big Oil’s rise — and now for its possible fall
The green economy (not!): Capitalism’s final frontier
The "Green Economy" treats the economy as more important than the ecological system on which the economy depends. Nature is redefined as "natural capital" as a prelude to more intense exploitation.
Making a killing from hunger
21st Century Barbarism is driven by men in suits
Le mythe de la souveraineté du consommateur
The Swiss ecosocialist journal A l'encontre (La Breche) translates Chapter 11 of 'Too Many People?'
Still no cleanup of Mohawk land poisoned by GM and Alcoa
“It’s just another form of genocide. When it comes to Indians, they don’t give a shit. All they like to do is take, take, take, and destroy.”
Leave the tar sand in the ground!
"There is no such thing as 'responsible upgrading' or 'sustainable tar sand production.' We must stop this crime before it ruins more lives and destroys the climate."
Neoliberals on bikes
Unless Greens come to grips with fundamental economic questions, they will continue to promote policies that are supremely unsuited to their ultimate aim of a more just and sustainable world.
Toxic spill poisons Peruvian village
On July 25, 45 tonnes of copper concentrate slurry spilled from a pipeline Santa Rosa de Cajacuy, dousing the village with a witch's brew of toxic dust and sludge.
Class struggle from above, illustrated
Making more by paying less
The Spectre of 21st Century Barbarism
Only mass action can stop barbarism from advancing, and only socialism can definitively defeat it.
Shell finances violent human rights abusers in Nigeria
Leaked documents show that soldiers, militants and mercenaries receive millions from Shell, while impoverished local residents are routinely killed, tortured or expelled.
Dirty oil and the future of a continent
Review: "This is a book that should be read by every Canadian. It should also be read widely everywhere else as the vast majority of us have no idea of the scale of tar sands destruction."
Enbridge video hides tanker route dangers
Video exposes Enbridge's grossly misleading account of the route tankers will take if the Northern Gateway tar sands pipeline is built