Hurricane Sandy and the suffering it has caused are intimately related to the business that the dark towers of Lower Manhattan symbolize. In the hardest hit areas, Occupy activists are organizing grassroots relief efforts
Why natural disasters are good for capitalism
The perverse logic of capitalism means that Hurricane Sandy will lead to a measurable boost in economic activity
Essential ecosocialist reading in Korean
A Korean edition of "What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism"
Neil Smith on the fight for the unity of nature
"Socialism is neither a utopia nor a guarantee. It is however the place and the time where and when the unity of nature becomes a real possibility."
World's small farmers meet to promote agroecology
La Via Campesina meeting brings together educators and schools to continue their efforts to promote farming methods that protect nature and empower women and peasants around the world
Toronto conference: Stop Ontario's tar sands pipeline!
Join us at a day-long grass-roots education and organizing meeting, Saturday Nov. 17
Sandy, climate change, and media hot air
While BusinessWeek points at global warming, the usual crowd of deniers and pseudo-skeptics is once again promoting doubt.
East and west, monster storms mainly kill the poor
In every country, the ravages of climate change fall overwhelming on the poor. The people who grow the world's food are the ones who starve in the aftermath of hurricanes and typhoons
Corporations steal farmland while farmers starve
Most land grabs occur in the world’s most food-insecure countries. Profit-driven agriculture means more food for the wealthy and well-fed, and less for the poor and hungry
How to fight climate change and rebuild a stricken city
Real answers will only come from the people, when we manage to organize and fight for the things we need through a radical change in social power
Maps pictured Sandy's devastation – five years ago
Maps published in 2007 provide an uncanny prediction of what transpired Monday night
Environmental journal editors reply to publisher
We regard all of these statements by Sage to be untruths, either deliberate falsehoods or grossly misleading. Sage is putting its own profits before academic freedom.
50 years of Silent Spring
Silent Spring helped lay the basis for a radical ecological critique of capitalism. Half a century after first publication it's a book that has never been so important.
Frankenstorms, infrastructure, and billionnaire condos
Sandy causes a minor housing problem for the ultra-rich
A reactionary 'skeptic' takes his best shot … and misses
Britain's leading Conservative newspaper fires a feeble broadside at Climate & Capitalism
Frankenstorms and climate change: How the 1% created a monster
To slow the monster of runaway, fossil-fueled capitalism that is creating Frankenstorms and much more ecological and social devastation, we need a vision for a completely different social system.
Inequality by the numbers
Fewer than 1% of adults own 70% of all wealth
Stop the dash for gas! Activists shut UK power plant
"This action is in defence of the global commons, which are under sustained attack by polluting fossil fuel companies"
The very definition of oil industry madness
Northern Gateway plan: ship oil through an active earthquake zone
Tar sands come to Ontario: No Line 9!
Join me at this important day of resistance, education, and alternatives in Toronto, November 17