The naked class politics of Ebola

Centuries of imperialist plunder created the horrendous environmental and economic devastation that has made the Ebola epidemic possible.

The IPCC still underestimates the situation

Breaking the power of the fossil fuel industry won’t be easy, especially since it has to happen fast. But, thanks to the IPCC, no one will ever be able to say they weren’t warned.

Drawing a line in the tar sands

Book Review: Why opposition to the Alberta Tar Sands is central to the climate justice movement ... and how this campaign is transforming activism itself

The climate march cynics are wrong

Leftish criticisms of the Peoples Climate March fail to understand the role of mass demonstrations in building movements and radicalizing participants.

Climate justice gets a new lease on life

Patrick Bond: Radicals who saw the Peoples Climate March as pro-capitalist missed the point. The action showed growing grassroots support for real change.