ALBA backs Bolivian call for international assembly of social movements in 2015; Evo Morales urges "a climate agreement for life, not business and capitalist commercialism"
Top Climate & Capitalism articles for 2014
These Climate & Capitalism articles, both new and old, attracted the most readers in 2014 ...
Capitalist efficiency, illustrated
Behold, the efficiency of capitalism ...
Lima agreement fails humanity and the earth
The result of the Lima conference was yet another decision that weakens international climate rules, fails the planet, and threatens humanity's future.
‘Corporate Conquistadors’ versus climate and humanity
The giant corporations responsible for the climate crisis are also reaping immense profits from the destruction they cause in the poorest communities
Real agrarian reform could double food production
Around the world, giant agribusinesses are displacing the most productive farms. Only by returning land to small farmers can we feed the world's hungry.
Review: Toward climate justice
Brian Tokar analyses the climate crisis and offers solutions framed by Murray Bookchin's Social Ecology theory
CARE: Fertility control won’t solve the climate crisis
Choice, not control: Global aid organization says environmentally-motivated birth control programs undermine women’s rights, and don’t protect the earth
The new climate movement
This is a movement of hope, a new militant social movement against fossil fuels. It is no longer an environmental battle but a harsh cry for climate justice.
Forces, relations, and 21st century ecosocialism
Paul Street: A shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy is technically achievable. The barriers are economic, social and political.
An absurd attack on Naomi Klein and John Bellamy Foster
Are the authors of 'This Changes Everything' and 'Marx's Ecology' undermining the fight for radical social and environmental change?
Unions urge rapid and just transition to save climate
At COP20, the global labor federation calls for decisive climate action to keep warming below 2 degrees, promote equality and defend workers’ rights
Trade unionists must join the climate fight!
B.C. ecosocialists appeal for a cross-Canada labour climate caucus to campaign against climate catastrophe and growing threats to community safety
‘Too Many People?’ published in French
The definitive ecosocialist response to overpopulation myths is now available in a French-language edition.
Reflections on Naomi Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything’
This book may well change everything, not because it gets everything right, but because it helps us move forward ... more grounded, more savvy and more hopeful
Two accounts of Engels’ revolutionary life
Ian Angus reviews two very different books on the life of Karl Marx's closest collaborator
Review: Inequality and the 1%
Danny Dorling’s new book demonstrates the harm done to the whole of society by rising inequality
What ecosocialists can learn from Naomi Klein
Socialists can't just criticize neoliberal and liberal responses. We must actively support and build the movements that are confronting the climate crisis
In defense of Naomi Klein
Radicals who attack Klein's book 'from the left' just expose their political irrelevance
Following up on Luxemburg and ‘Socialism or Barbarism’
My explanation of the origin of an important revolutionary slogan has been widely accepted.