Marxist Ecology

Some comments on Andreas Malm’s ‘Fossil Capital’

Another contribution to C&C's ongoing discussion of Andreas Malm's masterful new book on the origins and current implications of an economic system whose deep dependence on fossil fuels threatens the survival of civilization.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Summer reading for green-lefts and left-greens

Climate & Capitalism is taking a short break. To help you avoid painful withdrawal symptoms, here are five books and a pamphlet that should be in every ecosocialist’s book bag this summer — or winter, if you are in the southern hemisphere.

Movie Review

Is there a vast cowspiracy about climate change?

Cowspiracy's argument is based on badly flawed and almost unanimously rejected interpretations of science. Actual science and scientists are hard to find among the many talking heads in the film.

Book Launch

Video: Christopher Wright on ‘Facing the Anthropocene’

"In the opening pages, I immediately recognized that here was an author who actually gets what the 'Anthropocene' entails both in terms of the physical science and the political economy of our times and conveys this in such a readable and accessible...

Book Review

Why changing our diets won’t save the Earth

Received wisdom says that to save the planet we have to change our eating habits. Elaine Graham-Leigh explains why the received wisdom isn't just wrong, it blames working people for a crisis they didn't cause.

Books and Reports

Ecosocialist bookshelf, June 2016

Six new books for left-greens and green-lefts: Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century; Militarizing the Environment; The Great Acceleration; The Great Inequality; Congo's Environmental Paradox; How Did We Get Into This Mess?


When the climate comes for you

"I wrote this poem after I read about people in Pakistan digging mass graves in advance of the forecast heatwave, so as to not be caught unprepared, as they were last year." — Kamala Emanuel

Book Launch

Video: Ian Angus introduces ‘Facing the Anthropocene’

Author's presentation at book launch meeting for 'Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System,' at the Socialism for the 21st Century Conference in Sydney, Australia, May 13, 2013.

Via Campesina

Food sovereignty and climate change

Industrial agriculture is grounded in the use of fossil fuel and high energy consumption. Campesino agriculture with an agro-ecological basis is the only force capable of achieving food sovereignty and responding to climate change.

Climate Injustice

Planetary Crisis: We are not all in this together

Climate change and extreme weather events are not devastating a random selection of human beings from all walks of life. There are no billionaires among the dead, no corporate executives living in shelters, no stockbrokers watching their children...

Earth System in Crisis

Explaining the Anthropocene:
An interview with Ian Angus

"We don’t know how long we have before climate change goes from dangerous to extremely dangerous, but we know that continuing with business as usual makes such a shift increasingly likely."

Movement building

Can we shop our way to a better world?

Lifestyle change and 'ethical consumerism' are not bridges to effective social change, but barriers to it. To build effective social movements, we must begin by rejecting individualist approaches.

Too Many People?

Population and food sovereignty: An exchange

Ian Angus replies to a reader. If 'overpopulation' is not a primary cause of global environmental problems, what about island nations with limited space and resources?

Book Review

Fishers and plunderers: The tragedy of the commodity

Overfishing, pollution and warming water have pushed the world’s oceans into crisis. If nothing is done the results will be catastrophic for marine systems and the billions of humans who rely on them. To stop this destruction our society has to be...