Where climate change may lead, the global water crisis, Europe’s Little Ice Age, the human costs of Haiti’s unending catastrophes, against constructing nature
If capitalism must end, what should replace it?
By keeping these simple ideas in mind in all our struggles, we can begin to create a world worthy of our best instincts and desires
Guiding principles for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal
Break the power of capitalists and guarantee a vibrant natural world that is home for humanity and all forms of life, for many generations to come.
Good intentions won’t bring climate justice
Mary Robinson wants change, but her commitment to global elites prevents her from confronting the system that causes and maintains global injustice.
Illusion or Advance? Ecosocialists debate the ‘Green New Deal’
Activists from System Change Not Climate Change discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Green New Deal proposal, and how the left should respond.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, February 2019
Six new books expose environmentalism’s false friends, analyse the idea of ‘environment’, explain renewable energy, trace the history of oceans, expose Monsanto’s Round-Up, and examine UK science denial
Support the Trans Mountain protestors defense fund!
An appeal from David Suzuki: The activists who are fighting the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion need your help now!
An outline of ‘Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real Utopia’
How can socialism be rejuvenated to ensure social parity, democratic processes, and environmental sustainability for humanity?
John Bellamy Foster on the ‘Green New Deal’
To bring about meaningful change, the resolution proposed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must be part of an ecological revolution with a broad social base.
An open letter to Steven Pinker (and Bill Gates, for that matter) about global poverty
Defenders of capitalism claim global poverty is declining. Their arguments are intellectually dishonest and unsupported by facts.
Why the Anthropocene is not ‘climate change’ — and why that matters
Climate is just one part of the Earth System. If we focus on that alone, we will misunderstand the complexity of the danger posed by unprecedented planetary change.
Indigenous sovereignty and socialism in Canada
A Marxist perspective on the mass Indigenous movement that is in the vanguard of the fight for climate justice in Canada
What’s the alternative to factory farms?
'Farming, Food and Nature' offers a powerful critique of industrial livestock production, but fails to challenge the profit-system that drives it.
Ecososocialist Bookshelf, January 2019
Start the new year with these new books for reds and greens. End of the Megafauna. Brave New Arctic. The Big Heat. The End of Ice. Socialist Register 2019.
Scientists: Climate change causing heatwaves, droughts and floods
New report shows that recent extreme weather could not have happened without warming caused by human-induced climate change.
Ocean warming sets new records year after year
The oceans are heating up faster than predicted, and the speed is accelerating. Expect higher seas, stronger storms, and extreme precipitation.
A Call for Ecological Medicine
The health of Earth's ecosystem is the foundation of all health. Individuals cannot live healthy or happy lives in poisoned ecosystems and unhealthy communities.
‘Dust Bowls of Empire’ exposes capital’s global assault on the land
The 1930s Dust Bowl presaged today’s global ecological crises. Hannah Holleman’s brilliant new book shows how and why capital destroys the soil that all life depends on.
Warming hiatus: The climate change myth that refuses to die
Climate science deniers say warming stopped from 1998 to 2013, and temperatures are now falling. Both claims are blatantly false.
The top 15 C&C articles in 2018 … and the all-time top 5
The 137 articles we published in Climate & Capitalism this year were read by more people than ever before. These were the most popular ...