Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Jonathon Porrit vs George Monbiot on nuclear power
    Two posh britishmen discussing nuclear power. Not exactly my cup of tea, I really don’t like the arrogant tone both regularly use, but interesting to follow. by Ricardo Sequeiros Coelho Cool the Earth, August 10, 2011  Jonathon Porritt argued in a blog post that nuclear power supporters within the environmental movement are hijacking the debate over the future ...
  • Rioters on Wall Street!
    As I write these words, out-of-control hordes are swarming throughout downtown Manhattan. Their disregard for human decency, for the sanctity of people’s homes, jobs, property and health is beyond anything seen since the Dark Ages. These men and women, almost all of them white and disturbingly antiseptic for people living in a filthy and crowded city, ...
  • England: an explosion of bitterness and rage
    The anarchy of the market is far more devastating than the supposed anarchy on the streets. The bankers and businessmen have enriched themselves more effectively than any looter. Statement issued by the Socialist Workers Party (U.K.) Why people are rioting The riots that swept large parts of London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Bristol last night are an explosion of ...
  • How biofuels are destroying Indigenous communities in Malaysia
    Logging and then palm oil plantations have cost the Batek and the Penan much of their rainforest homelands.  In the most common progression, logging companies obtain concessions from state governments with little or no resistance from indigenous peoples who have limited land rights and rarely read or write Malay, Malaysia’s official language. In the past, many communities ...
  • Neoclassical economics: a pretend science
     Michael Yates reviews three critiques of the absurd economic theories that are taught in colleges and universities everywhere … Michael Yates, an economist and a labor educator, is associate editor of Monthly Review.  Economists have taken certain scientific concepts—such as equilibrium, stability, efficiency, feedback loops—and certain mathematical and statistical techniques and notions—such as calculus, probability, normal distribution, randomness, independence—and applied them ...
  • Megaloads blocked: A victory over the tar sands obscenity
    Environmentalists in the northwestern U.S. have won an important victory, forcing Exxon to abandon plans to transport massive tar sands mining gear through environmentally sensitive areas.  This video played a role … =============== A report in Industrial Fuels and Power says that opposition to the Exxon transportation plan has pushed the estimated cost of Exxon’s Kearl tar sands project up $3 ...
  • Capitalism's ecological footprint condemns the South to poverty … or genocide
    The concept of “ecological footprint” can increase our understanding of the global environmental crisis  … but only if environmentalists break away from vulgar economics and the political culture of consensus Samir Amin is director of the Third World Forum in Dakar, Senegal. His numerous works include Eurocentrism: Second Edition, The World We Wish to See, The Liberal Virus,  Spectres of Capitalism, ...
  • Carbon offsets are the world's worst performing commodity
    In addition to being a scam that does nothing to reduce emissions, the do-called clean development mechanism is a disaster for investors who hoped to profit from climate change. by Gerard Wynn and Nina Chestney Planet Ark, August 8, 2011 Carbon offsets neared all-time lows Friday, confirming their status as the world’s worst performing commodity, as slumping demand ...
  • Stop the pipeline: 10-year-old speaks out and sings
    Ta’Kaiya Blaney inspired the crowd at this August 2011 event at the Rhizome in Vancouver for the Dene Suline. She is 10 years old, she speaks from the heart and sings with passion. Ta’Kaiya is determined to stop the Enbridge “Gateway” oil pipeline. She spoke her truth tonight, oil executives would be smart to listen. The event ...
  • Austerity Survival Guide
    Brian McFadden’s “The Strip” in the New York Times, August 7, 2011: Click to enlarge hat tip to Lou Project,  The Unrepentant Marxist
  • Shell must pay for destroying my village
    Oil spills have effectively destroyed my community. Local farmers and fishers were forced to abandon their traditional ways of life. Bodo Creek is, ecologically speaking, dead. These articles appeared in the U.K. Guardian on August 3 and 4 SHELL ADMITS LIABILITY by John Vidal  Shell faces a bill of hundreds of millions of dollars after accepting full liability for ...
  • Canadian government lies about its climate policies (Is anyone surprised?)
     Canada cannot achieve its Copenhagen commitment until it takes on the oil and gas industry and compels emission reductions by putting a moratorium on new development, and phasing out the existing industry EFFECT OFCANADA’S CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES WILDLY OVER ESTIMATED, THINK TANK CLAIMS by Linton Nightingale Climate Action, August 3, 2011  The National Round Table on the Environment and the ...
  • Obama and Congress: Sacrificing the Earth on the altar of politics
    All equivocation must end, all ties to the Democrats must be severed, and a new, stronger, more effective movement will rise from the ashes of Obama’s false promises by Chris Williams Socialist Worker, August 4, 2011 “It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what ...
  • Are safe water and toilets reserved for rich people only?
    The UN says that access to water and sanitation is a human right … so why aren’t we seeing any action?
  • Seven questions for a populationist
    An exchange with a reader regarding the article Sex, lies, and statistical correlation  Eleanor comments: I have been reading your debate with Saral Sarkar, and I am sorry, but much as I agree with many of your other conclusions and writings, you are wrong about population and environmental damage, and therefore, ultimately climate change. Today’s blog just ...
  • Great recession causes record high wealth gaps between whites, blacks, hispanics
    U.S. government data explodes the myth that capitalism has overcome racial inequality. Reality: it’s getting worse. The median wealth of white households in the United States is now 20 times that of black households and 18 times that of Hispanic households, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from 2009. These lopsided ...
  • From 'common goods' to the 'common good of humanity'
    Introduction to Commons-Conference organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, held inRome, 28-29 April 2011. Alongside the initiative for a referendum on water inItaly, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation has decided to organize a conference on the concept of the Common Good of Humanity, in order to promote reflection on the links between the two notions and to ...
  • WWF-endorsed logging companies trade in illegal timber
    “It’s shocking that one of the world’s most trusted conservation groups deems it acceptable to take money from such companies” WWF’s flagship scheme to promote sustainable timber – the Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN) – is allowing companies to reap the benefits of association with WWF and its iconic panda brand, while they continue to ...
  • Australia's carbon price plan delays real action on climate change
    The big environment groups that support the plan may win the battle for a carbon price, but they are on track to lose the climate change war. by Simon Butler Green Left Weekly, July 15, 2011  Action on climate change is one of the most important issues of all. But the Gillard government’s carbon price plan is not ...
  • Coal Seam Gas: A Fracking Song
    Coal seam gas, shove it up their assets, Take your power back, don’t let them frack   Composed and performed by the good people at The Creek Blog,  who are working to be self sufficient in rural New South Wales, Australia. This is a 128kbps mp3 which they encourage us to download and share.  For a CD quality version ...