Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Greenhouse gas concentrations reach new high; rate of increase accelerates
    “Even if we managed to halt our greenhouse gas emissions today – and this is far from the case – they would continue to linger in the atmosphere for decades to come and so continue to affect the delicate balance of our living planet and our climate.” News Release issued November 21, 2011, by the World ...
  • In Durban, developing countries must resist the bullying, bribery and blackmail of the rich polluters
    “The best outcome from Durban would be one based on climate justice. It is time to stand up to the climate change bullies, to reject the Copenhagen Accord and the Cancún Agreements that implement it.” This is the concluding section of  The end game in Durban? How developed countries bullied and bribed to try to kill ...
  • Indigenous statement condemns REDD
    “We call upon all people committed to climate justice to support life, and we implore the global community to take responsibility for reducing emission of green house gases at the source and to reject REDD+ as a false solution that breads a new form of climate racism.” Declaration of Members of the Indigenous Peoples’ Biocultural Climate Change ...
  • The people's democratic struggle and the struggle for the environment. An interview with Fred Magdoff
    “The people’ democratic struggle and the struggle for the environment should be intimately tied together. The only meaningful way to deal with social as well as environmental problems is to organize a new society based on equality, democracy, and care for the environment.”
  • Marxism and the Environmental Crisis
    by John Molyneux John Molyneux, who lives in Dublin, is a member of the Irish and British Socialist Workers Parties. This article was published in his blog in August, 2010. Over the next ten, twenty or fifty years humanity faces an immense environmental crisis as a result of rapid and chaotic climate change. Indeed the crisis is already underway ...
  • How wealthy polluters are blocking action on climate change
    How the giant corporations most responsible climate change emissions are working to defeat climate change legislation and block international agreements Executive Summary of Who’s holding us back? How carbon-intensive industry is preventing effective climate change legislation , published today by Greenpeace International. Introduction The corporations most responsible for contributing to climate change emissions and profiting from those activities are campaigning ...
  • Debate: Is population control compatible with the fight for environmental justice?
    Betsy Hartmann and Katie McKay Bryson of the Population and Development Program reply to Kieran Suckling of the Center for Biological Diversity. INTRODUCTION Climate and Capitalism recently published The Great Distraction: ‘Overpopulation’ Is Back in Town, by Betsy Hartmann, author of Reproductive Rights and Wrongs. The opening paragraphs of that article described and criticized a video that the ...
  • ALBA nations prepare to fight for humanity at Durban climate summit
    Bolivarian alliance calls for extending and strengthening the Kyoto Protocol and climate adaptation aid to poor countries, and  opposes the commodification of forests under REDD by Federico Fuentes editor of Bolivia Rising Representatives from the Latin American and Caribbean governments that comprise the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) met in Bolivia on November 17-18 ...
  • What if U.S. land were distributed in the same way as U.S. wealth?
    This graphic shows how much the 1 percent would own if land in the United States were as unequally owned as wealth From Think Progress   If U.S. land were divided like U.S. wealth …
  • Polar ice melting at all-time record rates
    Rapid change in the Arctic and Antarctic is a clear, visibly graphic signal of climate change. If current trends continue, there could be virtually no September sea ice by 2015 by Steve Connor The Independent, Nov. 9, 2011 The frozen “cryosphere” of the Earth, from the Arctic sea in the north to the massive ice shelves of Antarctica in ...
  • Occupy the Durban climate summit
    The Occupy movement considers the UNFCCC to be ‘United Nations Fools, Clowns and Carbon Criminals’ and it’s hard to argue against that based on 16 past performances. by Patrick Bond The Mercury, 22 November 2011 Patrick Bond is Senior Professor of Development Studies and Director of the Centre for Civil Society at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. His latest book is ...
  • Too Many People? review by Socialist Worker (Canada)
    Their central argument – that it is not simply our numbers, but how our society is organized to benefit only few – is one that needs to be heard in the environmental movement ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE THE PROBLEM? Too Many People? Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis by Ian Angus and Simon Butler Haymarket Books, 2011 reviewed by John ...
  • Why the Keystone victory is a major gain for the environmental movement
    Don’t be fooled by the nay-sayers. The Obama administration’s backtracking on the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada is a major victory against climate change. by Mark Hertsgaard The Nation Victories against climate change have been rare, so it’s vital to recognize them when they happen. The Obama administration’s decision to delay the Keystone XL pipeline is one such victory—arguably ...
  • Carbon markets: No threat to fossil fuel
    The genius of carbon markets is to create a new asset class that performs alongside, and reinforces, continued fossil fuel use, rather than interfering with it. Larry Lohmann is a scholar and activist who works with The Corner House, a UK-based NGO that supports democratic and community movements for environmental and social justice. He was interviewed by ...
  • One-third of Americans are poor or near-poor
    New data shows that there are far more Americans living on the edge of poverty than official figures claim by Ian Angus In Too Many People?, in a chapter discussing the myth that environmental destruction is driven by individual overconsumption, Simon Butler and I wrote: “In 2009, 43.6 million Americans lived on incomes below the official poverty line. If ...
  • Review: Requiem for a Species Blaming individuals breeds climate pessimism
    Clive Hamilton’s pessimism about climate change activism flows from his assumption that individual consumers are to blame. Capitalism is the elephant in the room Clive Hamilton, Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change. Earthscan, 2010 reviewed by Elaine Graham-Leigh We all know that we cannot fully stop climate change. Global warming is happening; the ...
  • OPTional reading: Comments from a drive-by populationist
    The head of Optimum Population Trust has set a new record for comments in one day. Should we feel complimented? by Ian Angus Simon Ross  is CEO of Optimum Population Trust, the UK-based group that recently adopted the more PR-friendly “working name” Population Matters. In that capacity he has to keep his celebrity patrons happy, and keep OPT’s ...
  • Betsy Hartmann: Beyond apocalypse and back to Earth
    Video: International women’s health activist Betsy Hartmann discusses the roots and impact of apocalyptic thinking in American environmentalism
  • Video: David Harvey speaks at #Occupy London Stock Exchange
    “It’s people on the street, in the squares, that really matters in the end. Because that is the only political force we’ve got.” “You cannot solve the problem of global poverty without going after the accumulation of global wealth. Until you leave your anti-poverty campaigns and join the anti-wealth campaign, nothing is going to happen.”
  • How to feed 9 billion without destroying the planet
    Researchers at the University of Minnesota show that sustainable agricultural can deliver enough food for everyone — if humanity works together to make it happen University of Minnesota Institute of the Environment Can we feed the 9-billion-plus people anticipated to live on this planet in 2050 without destroying Earth’s life support systems? Writing in the October 12 ...