Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • St. Louis Greens: We march with and are part of Occupy!
    A Green economy would create things that we need and things that endure. It would not build things that designed to kill other people in order to steal their oil October 25, 2011 – The Green Party of St. Louis endorses, marches ...
  • David Harvey on the Occupy Wall Street movement
    The movement triggered by Occupy Wall Street is crucial to our collective future. It shows us that the collective power of bodies in public space is still the most effective instrument of opposition when all other means of access are blocked. REBELS ON THE STREET: THE PARTY OFWALL STREET MEETS ITS NEMESIS by David Harvey from Reading Marx’s Capital with ...
  • Population, consumer sovereignty, and the importance of class
    The debate following our article in Grist reveals that many greens have a blindspot about class. Blaming the world’s problems on too many people makes little sense when one-half of one percent of the world’s population owns nearly 40% of all wealth and controls most of the rest by Ian Angus This week, the environmental website site ...
  • The war against climate science unravels
    Last week’s release of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) study delivered a decisive blow to the edifice of climate skepticism, but don’t expect the deniers to give up… by Kelly Rigg Executive Director, Global Campaign for Climate Action Huffington Post, October 26, 2011  The skeptic case against climate change is unraveling before our eyes like someone walking away from an old sweater, ...
  • What’s causing the environmental crisis: 7 Billion or 1%?
    Ironically, while populationist groups focus attention on the 7 billion, protestors in the worldwide Occupy movement have identified the real source of environmental destruction: not the 7 billion, but the 1% This article, published today on the environmental website Grist, has provoked a vigorous discussion there. Many of the comments defend variations of the “consumer sovereignty” ...
  • Video: Simon Butler on the Occupy Movement and Climate Change
     What is potential of the Occupy Movement? How should it connect to the fight against environmental destruction and climate change? Simon Butler is co-author, with Ian Angus, of the new book Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis. He is also co-editor of Green Left Weekly, and a participant in the Occupy movement in ...
  • 15 Billion People by 2100? Don't believe it. (UPDATED)
    Contrary to reports by journalists and population alarmists, the UN isn’t releasing a new population forecast this week, and there is virtually no possibility that global population will ever reach 15 Billion. UPDATE, OCTOBER 26: As this article predicted two days ago, the UN Population Fund report did not include a new population forecast. It merely repeated ...
  • In Kenya, flowers for Europe reap hunger and destruction
    While millions of Kenyans go hungry, giant plantations use valuable farmland and declining water supplies to grow flowers for European markets As the global population approaches 7 Billion, we’re seeing an increasing number of articles declaring that overpopulation is responsible for all of the world’s ills.  Africa in particular is regularly singled out as a continent ...
  • What is Ecosocialism?
    Radio Adelaide (Australia) interviews Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus, editor of Climate and Capitalism and co-author of the new book, Too Many People? Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis, was in Adelaide, Australia, in September, to speak at a public forum organized the Socialist Alliance, on “Political Solutions to the Climate Crisis: What is Eco-Socialism?” He ...
  • Report: Get forests out of carbon trading; Stop REDD
    Including forests in cap-and-trade plans undermine indigenous peoples’ rights, while doing nothing to cut emissions By Chris Lang REDD-Monitor, 21st October 2011 A new manual by six Europe-based NGOs calls for an end to forest offsets. The report argues that there are two motivations for forest offsets: “reducing the pressure to do something about fossil fuel emissions and ...
  • Too Many People? Interview on commercial radio
    Ian Angus interviewed on Magic 107.5 in Cleveland, Ohio (Friday, October 21, 2011) This morning I was interviewed about TOO MANY PEOPLE? on the Lanigan & Malone show on Magic 107.5 in Cleveland Ohio. This is fairly typical morning show on U.S. commercial radio, so its very different from the interviews I’ve had on community and public ...
  • In UK, Canada poses as 'Friendly Green Oil Giant'
    Canada’s Natural Resources Minister named “Greenwash Propagandist of the Year” for promoting Tar Sands at London School of Economics UK Tar Sands Network October 20, 2011 Joe Oliver, Natural Resources Minister, met with staunch opposition at the London School of Economics (LSE) whilst promoting Canada as the next ‘Global Energy Superpower’. Protesters presented an alternative perspective to the ...
  • Climate change will trap hundreds of millions in danger zones
    New study shows that migration away from danger areas is only part of the problem; many more will likely move into areas that are highly vulnerable to catastrophic change A new report published by Foresight, an agency of the UK government, shows that the major challenges associated with migration and environmental change have been underestimated. By ...
  • Australia: Grassroots campaign slams coal seam gas fracking
    “The stop CSG campaign here is the broadest, deepest and most democratic campaign the Illawarra has seen for many years.  COAL SEAM GAS ON THE ROPES by Ash Pemberton Green Left Weekly, October 16, 2011  More than 3000 people turned out on October 16 to walk across the Sea Cliff Bridge in the Illawarra in protest against coal seam gas ...
  • Scientists understate climate change impacts
    New scientific findings are more than 20 times likely to show that global climate disruption is “worse than previously expected” rather than “not as bad as previously expected” by Douglas Fischer Daily Climate, October 18, 2011 The warnings were dire: 188 predictions showing that climate-induced changes to the environment would put 7 percent of all plant and animal ...
  • Doctors warn: 'Climate change poses an immediate, growing and grave threat to health'
     “It will often not be possible to adapt meaningfully to these changes, and the economic cost will be enormous. As in medicine, prevention is the best solution.” The following statement was issued at a conference on the health and security implications of climate change in London on 17th October 2011. It was signed by over 100 ...
  • How the leading U.S. climate change deniers are poisoning people
    Is a Koch Industries factory getting away with murder? While the brothers finance climate change denial and  wage war against safety precautions, their factory is dumping millions of gallons of wastewater into streams that flow near a small rural town in Arkansas. A new film by the producers of Koch Brothers Exposed ———- “Charles G. Koch and David ...
  • Carbon trading: speculation by design
    A new report shows why the European Union’s effort to impose rules against fraud in carbon is doomed to fail … again The European Union is changing its rules on how carbon is traded in response to a series of fraud cases and the financial crisis. This report looks at how corporate lobbies are trying to influence ...
  • We are the 99.9998%!
    Canadian Business magazine has published its annual list of the 100 richest people in Canada. Jim Stanford describes the 0.0002% of Canadians who hold personal wealth over one billion dollars Progressive Economics Forum,  October 14, 2011 There are 61 Canadian billionaires on the list.  That represents under 0.0002% of the national population (far smaller than the 1% ...
  • Wiebo's War: Documentary opens across Canada
    David York’s acclaimed feature film explores one man’s controversial battle against gas development Weibo Ludwig, head of a fundamentalist Christian commune in rural Alberta, isn’t the kind of person the left usually supports, and we may not endorse his tactics. But his story shows the determination of the fossil fuel industry and its mass media allies to ...