Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • The Denial Tango
    From Australia, Men With Day Jobs sing … “And as the waters rise around me I’ll just hold my breath and say, it isn’t so!”
  • Lessons of #Occupy: Don't agonize, organize!
    Collective political action is the key to the 99% turning their immense potential power into actual power that can end the tyranny of the 1%. by Peter Boyle Peter Boyle, national convenor of Australia’s Socialist Alliance, maintains the blog Peter’s Notepad. He gave this talk to a forum organized by the SA at Occupy Perth on October ...
  • Indigenous Environmental Network on pipeline decision:We won the battle, not the war
    The delay buys time to strengthen our organizing work to stop the pipeline entirely. We will work to ensure this moment is remembered as the beginning of the end for the tar sands. Statement of the Indigenous Environmental Network November 11, 2011 Mother Earth Achieves a Victory Today with Obama Administration Decision to Delay the Keystone XL Pipeline ...
  • An open letter to the 1 per cent: You cannot evict ideas
    You and your tiny minority cannot evict these ideas: they are simply too important, too long overdue, and too big to fail. By Derrick O’Keefe Rabble, November 15, 2011 To the 1 per cent (you know who you are), I write to you, as a lowly ninety-nine percenter, to offer both my congratulations and my condolences. First, my congratulations on ...
  • Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming the global food system
    The crisis in the world food system has its origin in the expansion of corporate capitalism, which has led to the eviction of millions of peasant families and is transforming the very way in which countries farm.  The following is the Executive Summary of Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming the Global Food System, published in October 2011 by ...
  • This is the planet that capitalism is destroying …
    A stunning timelapse video of photographs taken from the International Space Station Photos taken 240 miles above Earth from the International Space Station by astronaut Ron Garan, combined by German artist Michael Konig…
  • Shell versus human rights in the Niger Delta
    Shell fuelled human rights abuses in Nigeria by paying huge contracts to armed groups who destroyed Nigerian towns, according to a new report Global oil giant Royal Dutch Shell fuelled human rights abuses in Nigeria by paying huge contracts to armed militants, according to a new report published by Platform, a UK charity that campaigns for ...
  • Obama's inaction threatens climate disaster
    By its disinclination to interfere in the workings of America’s neoliberal capitalist economy, Washington is guiding the world toward irreversible climate change by Jack A. Smith The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critical imperative to reduce greenhouse gases to limit catastrophic global warming. Washington continues to insist upon exercising world leadership in all key global ...
  • Too Many People? A book review from New Zealand
    “An ever-necessary reminder that the world’s poor are the first victims of ecological disaster, not the cause.” Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis by Ian Angus and Simon Butler Haymarket Books, 2011.  reviewed by Bryan Walker Hot Topic, November 12, 2011  Reprinted with permission from the reviewer, an environmentalist based in Hamilton, New Zealand.  In 1932 I was born into ...
  • Indigenous movements and the fight against climate change
    No one feels the urgency of climate change more than Indigenous Peoples, who live in the most diverse and fragile ecosystems remaining in the world. They have become increasingly vocal and visible inside and outside the official climate negotiations. By Ben Powless Ben Powless is a Mohawk citizen living in Ottawa. He has just finished working on a ...
  • Green lifestyle choices won’t solve the climate problem
    “Contrary to the famous Dick Cheney quote, energy efficiency is not a matter of personal virtue. The answer to collective political failure is political action.” by Gar Lipow Grist, Nov. 8, 2011 Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan, aka the Greenie Pig, is feeling guilty about her plane trip to a friend’s wedding and decided to try to make up for it ...
  • Naomi Klein: Saving the climate requires profound social change
    Right-wing climate change deniers aren’t wrong about everything. For example, when they warn that making the emissions cuts scientists say are needed will require radical and economic change … by Naomi Klein The Nation, November 8, 2011  The deniers did not decide that climate change is a left-wing conspiracy by uncovering some covert socialist plot. They arrived at this ...
  • 2010 greenhouse gases higher than IPCC's worst case
     “A horrible legacy for our children and grandchildren” Guardian, Nov. 4 2011 The global output of heat-trapping carbon dioxide has jumped by a record amount, according to the US department of energy, a sign of how feeble the world’s efforts are at slowing man-made global warming. The figures for 2010 mean that levels of greenhouse gases are higher ...
  • Interview: Patrick Bond on the Durban Conference of Polluters
    Kyoto will likely pass away in 2012, except for the emissions trading schemes which capitalists can use for profit. What we do outside the Durban conference will be very important Noted South African activist and scholar says Patrick Bond there are really two streams of environmental thought and action regarding the ongoing United Nations climate talks, ...
  • Lifestyles of the rich and hypocritical
    Prince Charles thinks people should consume less. Other people, that is … Is any group of people more hypocritical than the British royal family? Last year, Prince Charles told a public meeting in Oxford: “wherever you look, the world’s population is increasing fast. It goes up by the equivalent of the entire population of the United Kingdom every year. ...
  • Tar sands industry admits impact of pipeline protests
    The dedicated organizing of countless activists, including those arrested in Washington and Ottawa, is being felt by governments and industry. We can stop the pipeline! Tar Sands Action, October 31, 2011 Yesterday we got some of the strongest confirmation yet that efforts to stop the Keystone XL pipeline are having a long-term impact on the tar sands ...
  • The U.S. auto industry's Big Lie
    There has never been anything resembling serious public debate of basic U.S. transportation policy Introduction by Ian Angus Last week, Simon Butler and I wrote a article for Grist titled Is the environmental crisis caused by the 7 Billion or the 1%? It has been reposted on a variety of places, including the popular Drum Opinion site ...
  • After Occupy Wall Street, isn’t it time for Occupy Earth?
    by Chip Ward TomDispatch, October 27, 2011 What if rising sea levels are yet another measure of inequality? What if the degradation of our planet’s life-support systems — its atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere — goes hand in hand with the accumulation of wealth, power, and control by that corrupt and greedy 1% we are hearing about from ...
  • CBC radio gives a platform to populationism
    Quirks and Quarks lets overpopulation ideology masquerade as science by Ian Angus Quirks and Quarks is a weekly science program broadcast across Canada on CBC Radio. The format is simple: host Bob McDonald interviews scientists about their latest work and discoveries. Usually there are 3 or 4 interviews in the hour. To say I like it would be ...
  • John Bellamy Foster: Capitalism and environmental catastrophe
    We need an ecological and social revolution. You may say that this is impossible, but the World Occupy Movement would have been declared impossible only a month ago. From a talk by John Bellamy Foster, co-author of What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism, at a teach-in on “The Capitalist Crisis and the Environment” at ...