Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • David Orton: Why I am not an ecosocialist
    Deep ecology versus ecosocialism, part 2: A prominent left-wing environmentalist explains why, as a supporter of deep ecology, he cannot endorse a basic statement of ecosocialist principles. By Ian Angus As I said in Part One of what seems likely to be a continuing series on this subject, some participants in the Ecosocialist International Network (EIN) discussion ...
  • Environmentalists call for civil disobedience to stop tar sands pipeline
    “We don’t have the money to compete with those corporations, but we do have our bodies, and beginning in mid August many of us will use them. We will, each day through Labor Day, march on the White House, risking arrest with our trespass.” Dear Friends, This will be a slightly longer letter than common for the ...
  • Clean energy is possible, practical, and essential – now!
    It is fully within our means today to make the alternative energy dream a green reality. All the technologies exist.  Unless we want to consign humanity to a broiling, toxic swamp called earth, alternative energy is an imperative. by Chris Williams For nearly 40 years, since the first oil shock in 1973, the dream of a planet ...
  • Oceans on the brink of disaster
    The rate at which carbon is being absorbed by the ocean is already far greater now than at the time of the last globally significant extinction of marine species, some 55 million years ago, when up to 50% of some groups of deep —  sea animals were wiped out. ————————- International Programme on the State of the ...
  • A Plea To The International Community: Don’t Forget The Ogoni
    The Ogoni haven’t lost hope. They’ve been fighting against Shell for their land and rights since day one and they continue to do so – and they need our solidarity. by Ahni Intercontinental Cry, June 20, 2011 Over the past 50 years, nearly 1.5 million tons of oil has been released into the delicate ecosystem of the ...
  • IAEA report on Fukushima shows nuclear power can never be safe and cheap
    Time after time, the report finds missing measures obviously should have been in place. Unforeseen events are a certainty, with hugely costly consequences. That means nuclear power is not safe or, given the colossal clean-up costs, cheap. by Damien Carrington Guardian, June 20, 2011 The first “independent” review of the Fukushima nuclear disaster was published today and it ...
  • US regulators weaken nuclear safety rules
    Federal regulators have been working closely with the nuclear power industry to keep the nation’s aging reactors operating within safety standards by repeatedly weakening those standards, or simply failing to enforce them, an investigation by The Associated Press has found. by Jeff Donn, Associated Press, June 20, 2011 Time after time, officials at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ...
  • OECD and FAO: High food prices will continue
    “The impact on the poor in developing countries who spend a high proportion of their income on food can be devastating.” OECD News Release, June 17. 2011 Higher food prices and volatility in commodity markets are here to stay, according to a new report by the OECD and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook ...
  • Fukushima: It's much worse than you think
    US nuclear expert: “We are finding hot spots further away than we had from Chernobyl, and the amount of radiation in many of them was the amount that caused areas to be declared no-man’s-land for Chernobyl. We are seeing square kilometres being found 60 to 70 kilometres away from the reactor. You can’t clean all ...
  • Interview: Officials cover up the dangers at Fukushima
    The land area rendered uninhabitable is 17 times the size of Manhattan Island … and dangerous levels of radiation extend 50 miles out to sea, contaminating a major source of Japan’s food. Transcript from Democracy Now, June 10, 2011 Guests: Robert Alvarez, former senior policy adviser to the U.S. Secretary of Energy and now a senior scholar ...
  • Deep ecology versus ecosocialism
    Part 1. Some people believe that deep ecology is not just compatible with ecosocialism, but a way to improve it. That’s a profound misconception that ignores deep ecology’s anti-human core. +++++++++++++ by Ian Angus The following was first posted on the online discussion group that was set up after the founding of the Ecosocialist international Network. I have added ...
  • La Via Campesina to G20: Stop the land grabs!
    The massive acquisition of agricultural land by transnational companies that has been taking place over the past years has multiplied farmer evictions and reduced the capacity of many African, Asian and Latin American countries and communities to feed themselves. Press Release – La Via Campesina Jakarta, June 16, 2011 Food and agriculture will be on the menu of ...
  • Video: Bolivia explains how to close the emissions gap
    Press Briefing by Pablo Solón, Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Boliva, at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting in Bonn, Germany, June 13, 2011 Click here to watch Pablo Solon’s press briefing, on the UNFCCC Website
  • Socialist arguments for nuclear power
    Climate and Capitalism has frequently published articles by greens and socialists arguing that nuclear power is innately dangerous and must be stopped. Below, two veteran socialists argue that the anti-nuke position is based on “fear and fantasy,” and that only nuclear power can meet society’s energy needs. We encourage respectful and thoughtful discussion of their ...
  • Canada's "rogue page" speaks at anti-Harper rally
    Last week, Senate page Brigitte DePape challenged Canada’s new majority Conservative government by raising a “Stop Harper” sign on the floor of the Senate during the speech from the throne. Yesterday, she spoke a rally in Ottawa outside the Conservative Party’s national convention. If anyone wonders where the next generation of rebels will come from,  here’s ...
  • The World Bank's role in fueling catastrophic climate change
    “The World Bank claims to provide leadership on climate change but, as shown in this report, it is a major funder of dirty fossil fuel projects, carbon trading and mega dams. These initiatives deepen poverty and push us closer to the brink of a global environmental disaster.” A new report released by Friends of the Earth ...
  • Jonathan Neale: Stop Global Warming – Change the World
    Video: Jonathan Neale, novelist, playwright, historian and political activist, lead-author of the Million Climate Jobs report, introducing his book, Stop Global Warming – Change the World
  • Carbon pricing: A smokescreen for inaction on climate change
    Once again ordinary people are being told they must sacrifice while markets are used to guarantee profitability for business. The debates on carbon taxes,  are yet another round of prevarication and mendacity that delay necessary change while we edge ever closer to ecological catastrophe. by Tad Tietze and Elizabeth Humphrys The following essay was originally published at the Australian ...
  • Stand up for Africa! Stand up for climate justice!
    For Africa and its peoples in particular, governments meeting at this year’s United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban must end years of unacceptable vacillation, and meet their moral, historical and legal obligations and commitments for action on climate change, in accordance with the requirements of science and the principles of equity. June 4, 2011 ...
  • Bolivian ambassador speaks out against water privatization
    “We believe it would be suicide to follow the path of privatization and commercialization of water and public services.” Speech by Ambassador Pablo Solon, Permanent Representative of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, at the United Nations discussion on the right to water and indigenous peoples, May 24, 2011. +++++ Thank you very much, Madam President. The revolutionary process ...