Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Sarkar’s confused defense of Malthus's capitalist ideology
    Deep ecology versus ecosocialism, part 4. A prominent Marxist Humanist says that Saral Sarkar’s defense of Malthus against Marx and Engels is “astoundingly wrong-headed” The following article is a response to Saral Sarkar on Malthusianism and Ecosocialism. It first appeared in slightly different form on the EI-Network discussion list, and is posted here with the author’s ...
  • Saral Sarkar on Malthusianism and Ecosocialism
    Deep ecology versus ecosocialism, part 3: Saral Sarkar explains why he thinks population reduction is essential, and why he nevertheless calls himself an eco-socialist. Saral Sarkar has submitted another contribution to this ongoing  debate. He prefaced his submission with this: “Here is my last contribution to this discussion. I will not write anything more on this topic, ...
  • Why carbon taxes won't save the environment
    “There is no economic mechanism that can substitute for the initiative of an aroused populace.” Socialist scholar and historian John Riddell has kindly given us permission to publish this letter, which he wrote to a Canadian green activist who supports carbon taxes as a means of fighting greenhouse gas emissions. It was so good of you to ...
  • The misleading mantra of 'overpopulation'
    If the Earth is too crowded right now, it is because we have too many billionaires. By Peter Schwartzman and David Schwartzman Originally published in Green Horizon in 2007 as “Is the World Overpopulated.” Republished here with the authors’ permission. Homo sapiens now numbers 6.6 Billion. In the U.S., we just passed the 300 million threshold. These numbers ...
  • Confessions of a nuclear power safety expert
    “I soon came to the conclusion that neither international cooperation nor technological advancements would guarantee human societies to build and safely run nuclear reactors”
  • Pablo Solón, an ambassador for climate justice and Mother Earth
    Pablo Solón has been at the forefront of the battle for climate justice — the effort to address the climate crisis in an urgent and equitable manner. by Derrick O’Keefe, June 30, 2011 Today, Pablo Solón completes his term as Ambassador for the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United Nations. As representative of a small ...
  • Who gets the big U.S. farm subsidies? Not farmers
    60% of U.S. farmers get no aid, while government programs subsidize the wealthiest agri-businesses and absentee land owners by Sara Sciammacco Environmental Working Group – Agriculture, June 23, 2011 Remember the last time you were smack in the middle of downtown Chicago or walking down a bustling street of Manhattan? Did you notice the sweeping farm vistas, the rich ...
  • If a Tree Falls: a Story of the Earth Liberation Front reviewed by Louis Proyect The Unrepentant Marxist, June 21, 2011 If a Tree Falls: a Story of the Earth Liberation Front is a powerful documentary on what the ruling elite have dubbed eco-terrorists. After you have finished watching it, you will wonder who should be on trial, the mostly young and politically naïve activists who were ...
  • Court blocks free legal support for Beaver Lake Cree
    Canada’s ‘justice system’ strikes again. The Canadian and Alberta governments have successfully prevented the Beaver Lake Cree Nation from obtaining free legal representation in their fight against the tar sands. From RAVEN – Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs June 28, 2011 On Monday, June 27th, an Alberta judge turned down an application for a team of ...
  • Video: The Return of Socialism
    “One does not need to be a socialist to understand that socialism has been a part of this country’s journey from the start.”—John Nichols On June 23, John Nichols, author of The “S” Word: : A Short History of an American Tradition … Socialism, joined Phil Gasper, author of The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to ...
  • Just Do It – a tale of modern-day outlaws
    Trailer for the new feature documentary about environmental direct action Opening in UK theatres, July 15 More: Still more:
  • State of the Climate: Hotter than ever, and getting hotter faster than ever
    Every month for the past 25 years the global temperature has been above the 20th Century average. And the rate of increase is speeding up. The world’s climate is not only continuing to warm, it’s adding heat-trapping greenhouse gases faster, researchers said yesterday. The global temperature has been warmer than the 20th century average every month ...
  • Bolivian law aims to protect food sovereignty
    Evo Morales’ government is poised to pass a law that ensures Bolivians can feed themselves, and protects the environment by Mattia Cabitza Guardian, June 20, 2011 A new law that is being debated in Bolivia is expected to pave the way for the government of President Evo Morales to ensure food security while preserving national sovereignty and protecting ...
  • U.S regulators and nuke operators rewrite history
    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is rubber-stamping applications to extend the life of nuclear plants by 50%, with no independent safety review. The industry claims the reactors were not designed for a specific life span. They lie. by Jeff Donn Associated Press, June 28, 2011 When commercial nuclear power was getting its start in the 1960s and 1970s, industry ...
  • Canada's environmental crime, and Brazil's example
    Bill McKibben: “Exploiting the tar sands is a crime, pure and simple—and, given the stakes, it is one of the most staggering the world has ever seen.” by Bill McKibben New Republic, June 27, 2011 In 1986, the then-editor of The New Republic, Michael Kinsley, famously asked whether anyone could find a headline more boring than “Worthwhile Canadian ...
  • Carbon markets are not cooling the planet
    Carbon markets are open to fraud, misrepresentation and organized crime … and they do not reduce greenhouse gas emissions by Stephen Leahy IPS News, June 22, 2011 Carbon markets have been widely promoted as the only way to generate enough money to enable industries and countries to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, which are largely responsible for global ...
  • Global debt? Send the bill to the rich!
    If the world’s ultra-rich wanted to, they could totally pay off the Greek and U.S. debts, and they would still be rich. Instead, they want us to pay. Too Much, the excellent (and free) weekly newsletter published by the Institute for Policy Studies, looks at the 2011 World Wealth Report published by Capgemini SA and Merrill Lynch. ++++++++++++ Sober central ...
  • How not to build the movement against climate change
    Many of the June 5 rallies in Australia were the opposite of effective mass action – No community involvement in organising the events, no local buildup, no local follow-up, no march, no energy. This approach is no model for the future. by David Spratt and John Rice Climate Code Red, June 25, 2011 On Sunday 5 June, a ...
  • Food safety: It's corporate wealth versus people's health
    Our growing reliance on corporate food and farming concentrates and amplifies risk in new and unprecedented ways, at scales never seen before. The question of who defines “food safety” is increasingly central to the struggle over the future of food and agriculture. Synopsis of Food Safety for Whom? a briefing published by GRAIN, a small international non-profit organisation that ...
  • Leading economist calls fossil fuel expansion a crime against humanity
    “We need to up the ante for those pursuing business as usual, the relentless expansion of oil and gas infrastructure that is causing these problems and guaranteeing that they will be worse in the future.” by Marc Lee Progressive Economics Forum, June 23, 2011 Marc Lee is senior economist for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and chair of ...