Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Review: What every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism
    Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster. What every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism: A citizen’s guide to capitalism and the environment. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2011 reviewed by Liam Flenady Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, September 25, 2011 – — Resolving the ecological crisis is incompatible with capitalism. We must build a movement that works against capitalist logic with ...
  • International conference focuses on social causes of climate change
    Ecosocialists, unionists and activists  gather in Melbourne, Australia, to share ideas and experiences on the struggle to save the world from capitalism by Viv Miley Green Left Weekly, October 8, 2011  More than 500 people gathered in Melbourne ...
  • Enough is never enough (for those who have too much)
    Socialism can only be built on the basis of abundance, but abundance should not be confused with the infinite growth of commodities. Working people need a real alternative economic strategy, one that recognizes when enough is enough. by Roy Wilkes Socialist Resistance, October 6, 2011  Even if the Condem government gets away with its entire austerity offensive, they will not be ...
  • New film examines Venezuela’s food revolution
    This film premiered at the Climate Change Social Change conference in Melbourne, Australia, last week. Highly recommended. Growing Change: A Journey into Venezuela’s Food Revolution follows filmmaker Simon Cunich‘s journey to understand why current food systems leave hundreds of millions of people in hunger. It’s a journey to understand how the world will feed itself in the future ...
  • How to make an ecosocialist revolution
    Edited text of keynote presentation by Ian Angus to the Climate Change Social Change conference in Melbourne, Australia, October 2, 2011
  • Just transition, elections, and the rights of Mother Earth
    Video clips from the question period following Ian Angus’s Keynote talk at the Climate Change Social Change conference in Melbourne, Australia, October 1, 2011. Video by Alex Bainbridge On a just transition … — Should ecosocialists participate in elections? — How do ecosocialists view indigenous worldviews such as caring for the earth, the concept of Pachamama, and the Rights of Mother ...
  • Ottawa tar-sands protest: reports and impressions
    Civil disobedience action was a step forward for the movement, but labor and the climate movement need a clear program and action strategy  by Richard Fidler Life on the Left,  Sept 29, 2011 I participated in the demonstration against the Alberta tar sands outside the Canadian Parliament here in Ottawa on September 26. As was widely reported, the ...
  • Trade unions must join the fight against climate change
    “If we leave this issue to the bosses, to the corporations and politicians who profit from the existing system, the changes will be inadequate – and they will put the entire burden on working people.” +++++ Ian Angus, editor of Climate and Capitalism, is currently in Australia to speak at the Climate Change Social Change conference in ...
  • Climate and Capitalism editor on speaking tourAustralia, September 20 – October 3
    Readers in Australia are invited to meet and hear C&C’s editor, Ian Angus, at these public meetings, organized by Socialist Alliance, Green Left Weekly, Resistance, and others. SYDNEY Tues. Sept 20, 6:30pm: Book launch: Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis. (With Simon Butler) Resistance Centre & Bookshop, 22 Mountain St, Ultimo. Wed Sept 21 20, ...
  • Review: Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence
    A sweeping discourse on the collision between the natural and the social world — the confluence of poverty, violence and climate change Christian Parenti, Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence. Nation Books, 2011. reviewed by Chris Williams Socialist Worker, September 14, 2011 Who killed Ekaru Loruman? Until his recent violent death, Ekaru was a pastoralist ...
  • Global peasant movement calls for mass climate protests in Durban
    “We will build a powerful smallholder farmer and peasant voice to be present with other sectors of civil society at COP-17 in Durban, and at Rio +20 in Brazil, with the message that we oppose false solutions to climate change and demand the adoption of the Cochabamba Principles.” Peasant and indigenous people have thousands of solutions ...
  • Derek Wall: 'Ecosocialism is a pragmatic, effective response to the crisis on our planet'
    “The commons is collectively-owned property, as opposed to state or privately-owned. To me it is the essence of ecosocialism, involving the democratic ownership of the means of production. “ British-based economist, activist and writer Derek Wall is a member of the Green Party of England and Wales and is the author of several books on ecology ...
  • Caution: Do not make connections. These weather events are just coincidences
    Video: It’s very important to stay calm. If you got upset about any of this, you might forget how important it is not to disrupt the record profits of our fossil fuel companies. by Bill McKibben Washington Post, May 24, 2011 Caution: It is vitally important not to make connections. When you see pictures of rubble like this week’s ...
  • Exxon Mobil makes a multi-billion dollar bet that climate change is real
    The cynical climate-destroyers at Exxon, a major source of funds for climate change deniers,  are placing a massive bet that global warming is real and that the Arctic will keep warming … (Hat tip to Joe Romm, Climate Progress) EXXON’S CLIMATE ADMISSION by Christopher Jones This just in: Exxon Mobil has made a multi-billion dollar acknowledgement that climate change is ...
  • What's behind the highway protests in Bolivia?
    Many northern environmentalists view the conflict in Bolivia as a simple debate between economic development and environmental protection. The reality is much more complex: read this article before you sign a petition … The conflict in Bolivia over a proposed road through the TIPNIS district has been described in many articles as one between indigenous people ...
  • It's time to get real about climate change
    There is a growing gap between what scientists say is needed and what politicians and big green NGOs are actually trying to do. People must be told the truth … that we must go on a war footing to meet this global emergency by Phil Thornhill National Coordinator, Campaign Against Climate Change  (UK) Climate Change is a bizarrely ...
  • A vital international conference for ecosocialists
    If you are in Australia, this is a meeting you simply must not miss. If you are elsewhere, and can find a way to get to Australia, it will be worth every effort you make … WORLD AT A CROSSROADS CONFERENCE CLIMATE CHANGE : SOCIAL CHANGE Melbourne Australia September 30 – October 3, 2011 Organized by Resistance, Socialist Alliance, ...
  • 1252 arrested at White House pipeline protest
    Arrested activists include top climate scientists,  former Obama supporters, First Nations leaders from Canada, and individuals including Bill McKibben,Gus Speth, Dr. James Hansen, Daryl Hannah,Josh Fox, and Naomi Klein. WASHINGTON SEPT. 3, 2011 (Tar Sands Action)  The largest environmental civil disobedience in decades concluded at the White House this morning with organizers pledging to escalate a ...
  • First Nations and American Indian leaders arrested at White House pipeline protest
    “If Obama approves this pipeline, it would only lead to more of our people needlessly dying.” Press statement, September 2, 2011 WASHINGTON — American Indian and Canadian Native leaders were arrested today in front of the White House as they refused to move under orders from the police. Representatives of Native governments and Native organizations from the United ...
  • The left cannot afford disunity
    Division is a luxury that cannot be indulged if we are serious about the vital necessity of political change by Derek Wall Morning Star, September 1, 2011  [Derek Wall is a member of the Green Left in Britain, and maintains the the blog Another Green World. His most recent book is The Rise of the Green Left: A ...