Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Stop Signs: Cars and capitalism on the road to economic, social and ecological decay
    Cars and capitalism go together, destroying lives, poisoning the air, and chewing up space, all in the name of profit
  • Behind the 'Green Economy' – A new drive to commodify nature
    Faced with an even more complex and deeper crisis, capitalism is launching a fresh attack that combines the old austerity measures with an offensive to create new sources of profit and growth through the “Green Economy” agenda.  ++++++++++++++++++ by Christophe No to the Green Economy,  February 8,  2012 A New Phase of Capitalist Expansion and Structural Adjustment Today we are ...
  • Why the fossil fuel industry fights so hard to block action on climate change
    The business models at the center of our economy are in the deepest possible conflict with physics and chemistry ++++++++++++++ By Bill McKibben TomDispatch, February 7, 2012  If we could see the world with a particularly illuminating set of spectacles, one of its most prominent features at the moment would be a giant carbon bubble, whose bursting someday will make ...
  • The agribusiness takeover of pale green NGOs
    Many of the biggest conservation NGOs  have done deals with international agribusiness. They  greenwash industrial commodity agriculture in exchange for vague promises of sustainability and social justice. ++++++++++++++++ by Jonathan Latham Independent Science News,  February 7, 2012 Imagine an international mega-deal. The global organic food industry agrees to support international agribusiness in clearing as much tropical rainforest as they ...
  • A multimedia introduction to The Communist Manifesto
    “All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority.” This video is meant to be used in group discussion of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. It has a ...
  • Indigenous and climate activists tell EU embassies the truth about Canada's tar sands
    “Our government is putting more energy into trying to kill climate change policies in other countries than doing its fair share to fight climate change in Canada.”   The  Indigenous Environmental Network, the Council of Canadians,  and Climate Action Network Canada have been meeting with Ottawa-based European Union Embassies to counteract Canadian lobbying against an important European climate ...
  • Enough is enough! It's time for a maximum wage
    US radicals came up with sound proposals for a maximum income a century ago. Isn’t it time to put that idea back on the table? ++++++++++++++++++ by Sam Pizzigati  Le Monde Diplomatique  The Occupy Wall Street movement hasn’t yet demanded a cap on individual income but it probably will. Ever since the “golden age” after the Civil War, great ...
  • Environmental internationalism: How Cuba can help save the earth
    For over 5 decades, Cuban medical brigades have shown what true internationalism and humanism mean in practice. Now the embattled island can lead the global fight against environmental destruction
  • Without women there is no food sovereignty
    La Via Campesina is working with feminist organizations and networks like the World March of Women to promote networking and solidarity among women in North and South by Esther Vivas (International Viewpoint) This article analyzes the impact of agro-industrial policies on women and the key role that peasant women in the Global North and South play in the ...
  • The paradox of Cuban agriculture
    Cuban agricultural production expanded 4.2% per year from 1996 to 2005, at a time when the average growth in the region was 0% +++++++++++ by Miguel A. Altieri and Fernando R. Funes-Monzote Monthly Review, January 2012 When Cuba faced the shock of lost trade relations with the Soviet Bloc in the early 1990s, food production initially collapsed due to the ...
  • Barry Commoner: Pollution, affluence and class
    Pioneer socialist ecologist Barry Commoner, author of The Closing Circle, speaking at Harvard University, during the first Earth Day, April 1970…. “The favorite statistic is that the U.S. contains 6 to 7% of the world population but consumes more than half the world’s resources and is responsible for that fraction of the total ...
  • Too Many People? Review by socialist city councillor
    “This book should be on the shelf of every active socialist, as well as anyone serious about tackling climate change” – Stephen Jolly
  • UK governments lied about the need for nuclear
    Report endorsed by MPs from four parties says that governments misled Parliament to win support for new nuclear power stations  +++++++++++++ by Fiona Harvey Guardian, January 31, 2012  Ministers misled parliament over the need to build a new fleet of nuclear power stations, distorting evidence and presenting to MPs a false summary of the analysis they had commissioned, a ...
  • Anti-immigration groups organize against book that exposes population myths
    Lacking arguments of their own, anti-immigration groups on three continents have resorted to distributing an article they don’t agree with, by an author who rejects what they stand for – just because it is critical of “Too Many People?” by Ian Angus Simon Butler and I wrote Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis to ...
  • ExxonMobil pays no federal tax on $41 billion profit; still refuses to pay for Alaska cleanup
    Every hour, the world’s largest oil company makes $5 million in profits ++++++++++++++ by Rebecca Leber Climate Progress, January 31, 2012 ExxonMobil had the largest profits of the Big Five oil companies in 2011, raking in $41.1 billion for the year. This 35 percent jump from last year is driven in large part by record-high oil prices. Today, the oil ...
  • Ian Angus on population and the environment
    Audio recording of Ian Angus on WBAI-FM, New York, January 28, 2012 From the on-air introduction: “Is overpopulation the actual cause for our ecological crises?  Is disease, poverty, water and food shortages, pollution, and climate change ultimately a result of what some cynics call a cancer on the face of the Earth… Us?  Or is something else ...
  • How can the climate change movement move ahead in 2012?
    It is important not to underestimate the harm caused by the failure of negotiations in Copenhagen and Durban — but it is equally important not to succumb to pessimism.  +++++++++++++ by Elaine Graham-Leigh Counterfire (UK), January 24, 2012 In the planning stages, the demonstration at the climate talks in Copenhagen in December 2009, and the associated protests in cities around ...
  • NZ socialist group dissolves to build ecosocialist movement
    Resolution adopted by the 2012 convention of the New Zealand group Socialist Workers Organization ++++++++++ The defining event of our times is world capitalism’s historic slide towards collapse under the chaotic, intersecting and escalating pressures of five terminal crises: profitability, ecology, resources, imperial leadership, legitimacy. This is the context for this resolution of Socialist Worker’s 2012 conference. 1. Push forward focused outreach work on ...
  • Secret documents expose Ottawa's tar sands enemies list; Environmentalists seek guarantee of regulator's impartiality
    As the Harper government works with oil companies to slander and discredit opponents of tar sands, will the supposedly impartial regulator be trusted? (Greenpeace Canada, January 26, 2012) As controversy increases over the Harper government’s attacks on environmental groups, Greenpeace Canada today released internal government documents obtained under Access to Information legislation showing that the Harper government has ...
  • Hunger is a weapon of mass destruction
    Every five seconds, a child under 10 dies of hunger. Thirty-five million people die each year from hunger or its immediate aftermath. One billion people are permanently and severely malnourished and the situation is becoming increasingly catastrophic by Siv O’Neall Axis of Logic, January 19, 2012 In his latest book  Destruction massive – Géopolitique de la faim (Mass Destruction ...