Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • No Room for Doubt: Global Warming is Real
    U.S. and U.K. government climate scientists agree:  “the climate is unequivocally warming” From the Met Office Hadley Centre (July 28, 2010) Unmistakable scientific evidence that our world is warming has been released today in the ‘2009 State of the Climate’ report, issued by US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The report draws on data from 10 key ...
  • UN Declares Water a Human Right
    Speech by Pablo Solon, Bolivia’s ambassador to the UN, the the General Assembly on July 28. Bolivia’s resolution passed unanimously, but 41 countries abstained. “The Human Right to Water and Sanitation” Mr. President, Allow me to begin the presentation of this Resolution by recalling that human beings are essentially water. Around two thirds of our organism is comprised ...
  • Appendix to Part Two: Rates versus Ratios
    Part Two of this series considered per capita statistics, which “conceal substantial inequalities within populations and between people.” This supplement summarizes a related argument made by Allan Schnaiberg, who addressed the same issue thirty years ago.
  • 'Sustainable Population?' Australian PM Targets Immigrants and Refugees
    Gillard (and Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott) blame population growth for the decline of living standards, because that lets government off the hook. by Graham Matthews Green Left Weekly, July 24, 2010 In one of her first policy changes after replacing Kevin Rudd as leader of the Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister Julia Gillard dumped Rudd’s idea ...
  • Worse Than Hiroshima: The Toxic Legacy of the U.S. Assault on Fallujah
    “To produce an effect like this, some very major mutagenic exposure must have occurred in 2004 when the attacks happened” By Patrick Cockburn The Independent, July 24, 2010 Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the ...
  • Australian Election: Vote Socialist and Greens, Put Abbott Last!
    “Socialist Alliance members are campaigning not only for our own candidates but also for the Greens and other progressive candidates.” The  Socialist Alliance, which is running in 22 seats in  the current Australian General Election, is urging voters to give their preferential votes to socialist candidates followed by candidates of the Green Party. Interviewed for a ...
  • Carbon Market 'Growth' Mainly Fraudulent, World Bank Report Shows
    The global carbon market grew in 2009. Far from signalling a success, this reflects a massive increase in fraud, the dumping of surplus emissions permits by industry, and a rise in financial speculation. by Oscar Reyes Carbon Trade Watch, July 20 2010 “Global Carbon Market Grows to $144 billion Despite Financial and Economic Turmoil” was the ...
  • Green Gone Wrong
    Why cash register solutions to ecological destruction fail again and again Heather Rogers. Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution. Scribner, 2010, 256 pages reviewed by Amy Muldoon Socialist Worker (US) July 21, 2010 The beauty of capitalism lies in its seductive ability to manufacture needs and fulfill them just long enough until a ...
  • Climate Action Now! Australian Socialists Adopt Climate Charter
    “Change the system, not the climate: A safe climate is not possible unless an informed and mobilised community fights for it.” 2010 Climate Charter adopted by Australia’s Socialist Alliance and supported by SA candidates in the country’s current General Election. July 2010 — For years, climate scientists have warned us that we need to act on ...
  • Oil, Civil Liberties, and the G20 Summit
    Statement issued by Climate Justice London (formerly Mobilization for Climate Justice-London), in London, Ontario. (Thanks to Steve D’Arcy for forwarding this.) Members of our group took to the streets around the G20 Summit in Toronto with concerns about climate change, the Alberta tar sands, assaults on native sovereignty, and other environmental injustices. The Summit police in Toronto ...
  • Tar Sands: What Canadian Politicians are Hiding
    As Climate and Capitalism previously reported, Conservatives and Liberals in Canada’s Parliament have secretly agreed to suppress a report on the Alberta Tar Sands. Here’s what they don’t want you to know … (This important article was published in The Tyee on July 15. It was written by Andrew Nikiforuk, author of the award-winning book Tar ...
  • Is a Population Policy Needed to Protect New Zealand's Environment?
    We need a lot of changes to get to an egalitarian and sustainable society, but  is population policy one of them? by Byron Clark Byron Clark is a long time activist in the Workers Party of New Zealand. This is the text of a  talk he gave at a conference sponsored by the Workers Party in Wellington, ...
  • Why Pricing Carbon Won't Solve the Climate Crisis
    The idea that markets are the most efficient way to deal with environmental problems has long been a cornerstone of neoliberal economics. But no new market or tax regime has restructured an entire economy in any country. Not ever. by Simon Butler Green Left Weekly, July 18, 2010 The pressure is for the movement to accept, ...
  • June Temperatures Set Global Records
    The trend to a warmer world is now incontrovertible … 2010 is on course to be the warmest year since records began in 1880 by John Vidal Guardian, July 16, 2010 Last month was the hottest June ever recorded worldwide and the fourth consecutive month that the combined global land and sea temperature records have been ...
  • Hoodwinked in the Hothouse – 2nd edition available now
    Rising Tide North America and Carbon Trade Watch  announce the 2nd edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: False Solutions to Climate Change. Download today … This 28-page booklet provides a close-to-comprehensive overview of false solutions to climate change. Fifteen concise articles—complete with photos and illustrations—cover more than 20 false solutions to climate change, from Clean Coal ...
  • Comparison of the People’s Agreement and the Copenhagen Accord
    The Copenhagen Accord represents a step backward with relation to the Kyoto Protocol by proposing a methodology of voluntary commitments for the industrialized countries that are principally responsible for climate change. From World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth The debate about climate change is divided between the “Copenhagen Accord” that failed ...
  • Canadian Politicians Suppress Tar Sands Report
    Conservatives and Liberals in Canada’s Parliament have agreed to suppress a report on water pollution caused by mining the Alberta Tar Sands. And the government has exempted a major Tar Sands toxin from regulation. UPDATED, July 10, July 19 The Ottawa Citizen reports today that government and opposition MPs, in a closed door meeting held June 17, ...
  • BC's Carbon Tax Gets Even More Regressive
    When it was implemented the BC government claimed its carbon tax wouldn’t hurt the poor. We disagreed – and we were right. by Ian Angus Last December, to their eternal discredit, ten Canadian environmental groups gave an “Acts of Climate Leadership” award to British Columbia premier Gordon Campbell, for his government’s introduction of a carbon tax. As ...
  • Joel Kovel: Organizing the Ecosocialist International Network
    Since its formation in 2007, Joel Kovel has been a leading figure in the Ecosocialist International Network. In this letter, Joel discusses where the EIN is going, including plans for forming chapters in the United States and Canada. Joel’s comments were posted on July 5 in the EIN’s egroup. We encourage readers to join in the ...
  • From Water Wars to the Fight for Climate Justice: Pablo Solón on the Lessons of Cochabamba
    A Speech by Pablo Solón, Bolivia’s UN ambassador, to the Shout Out for Global Justice, attended by nearly 3,000 people on June 25 in Toronto.  Video of the event, which was sponsored by the Council of Canadians, can be viewed at rabbletv. First of all, I think you have made a mistake. ...