Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Most Canadians Support Climate Justice Now
    Poll finds strong support across Canada for the Cochabamba Agenda … but the government is ignoring public opinion and supporting environmental destruction. Only mass action for climate justice can win the changes that are urgently needed now Adapted from the Council of Canadians website An authoritative poll conducted between October 27 and November 1 found: 87% of Canadians ...
  • Cancun: The Battle Lines are Drawn
    Success at Cancun will depend on how loudly the voices for climate justice are heard and the contribution that makes to arousing wider resistance by Simon Butler Green Left Weekly, November 22, 2010 If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success. This phrase has become the unofficial motto of this year’s United Nations climate conference in Cancun, ...
  • G20 pushes business as usual, Small farmers demand system change
    Failed institutions that have  impoverished people the world over are being promoted as the solution to the current crisis La Via Campesina News release Seoul, November 18, 2010 The G20 just concluded its Summit in Seoul, Korea where they professed to discuss solutions to the global financial crisis. Claiming to be the forum for global economic governance, these ...
  • UN warns: Food prices soar in 2010, higher in 2011
    International food import bills could pass the one trillion dollar mark in 2010 with prices of most commodities up sharply In the latest edition of its Food Outlook report, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  warned the international community to prepare for harder times ahead unless production of major food crops increases significantly in ...
  • Canadian group scapegoats immigrants for environmental degradation
    New anti-immigration “center” has strong ties to the ruling Conservative Party by Cameron Fenton Reposted, with permission, from The Dominion, November 17, 2010. Related C&C article: The greening of hate, Canadian-style MONTREAL—The Centre for Immigration Policy Reform (CIPR), a recently launched immigration reform lobby group based in Ottawa, is using environmental arguments and “green” rhetoric to push for more ...
  • Toronto Teach-In Discusses Cochabamba Agenda for Climate Justice
    Actvists discuss concepts far removed from the usual media babble about cap-and-trade and carbon offsets – ideas that are unfamiliar to many on the left by John Riddell TORONTO – An all-day conference on climate justice here November 13 indicated broadening support for the global climate justice movement. Entitled Lessons from Bolivia: Building a Global Movement for Climate ...
  • Evo Morales: A letter to the indigenous peoples of the world
    While we assert that capitalism is the cause of global warming and the destruction of forests, rainforests and Mother Earth, they seek to expand capitalism to the commoditization of nature with the word “green economy” Indigenous brothers of the world: I am deeply concerned because some pretend to use leaders and indigenous groups to promote the commoditization of nature and ...
  • ALBA nations declare: Nature has no price!
    Bolivia,  Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and  Venezuela declare: “Nature is our home and is the system of which we form a part, and therefore it has infinite value, but it does not have a price and is not for sale.” Ministers, Authorities of the Ministerial Committee for the Defense of Nature of the Plurinational State ...
  • Responding to the Cochabamba challenge
    Some 125 people took part in the teach-in Lessons from Bolivia: Building a Global Movement for Climate Justice in Toronto on Saturday November 13. The meeting was sponsored by nearly 40 organizations, including unions, solidarity campaigns and environmental groups. The following is the text (lightly edited) of the talk given by Climate and Capitalism editor Ian ...
  • The World Food Crisis: Causes and Solutions
    Video: Peter Rosset presents the Food Sovereignty vision defended by La Via Campesina Dr. Peter Rosset is based in Oaxaca, Mexico, where he is a researcher at the Centro de Estudios para el Cambio en el Campo Mexicano (Center of Studies for Rural Change in Mexico), and co-coordinator of the Land Research Action Network. He is the ...
  • Malthus With a Computer, 2010
    An important new study concludes that reducing population growth will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There is less here than meets the eye by Ian Angus Can a computer model prove that population growth is an important cause of climate change? An October 11 press release from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) says yes. Headed Population ...
  • Europe's biofuel plans driving social and environmental destruction
    Plans to increase the use of biofuels in Europe over the next ten years will require up to 69 000 square kilometres of new land worldwide and make climate change worse, a new study has revealed.. The report finds that an area over twice the size of Belgium will need to be converted into fields and ...
  • Stewart Brand is wrong about DDT. Will he admit it?
    by George Monbiot Guardian, November 5, 2010 Last night’s film on Channel 4, What the Green Movement Got Wrong, was loosely based on Stewart Brand’s book, Whole Earth Discipline. In the film, Stewart issued the following challenge: I would like to see an environmental movement that’s comfortable noticing when it’s wrong and announcing when it’s wrong. I agree with ...
  • British trade unionists demand One Million Climate Jobs
    People can see that that climate jobs aren’t simply about saving the planet, but there are huge social consequences too. by Martin Empson Treasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group The first edition of the Campaign Against Climate Change’s One Million Climate Jobs Now pamphlet has had a big impact within the British trade union and environmental ...
  • ALBA Countries Meet in Bolivia to Defend Rights of Mother Earth
    Meeting will develop plan for joint action, continuing cooperation (November 3, 2010) The countries belonging to the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) will meet Wednesday in Bolivia to advocate for a common position on the defense of the rights of Mother Earth. According to the Bolivian Minister of the Environment and Water, Maria Esther Udaeta, this is ...
  • UK Activists Target BP Tar Sands Plans
    Statement issued by UK Tar Sands Network TELL BP TO STAY OUT OF THE TAR SANDS Canada’s Tar Sands have been described as “the most destructive project on earth”. The world’s least favourite oil company – BP – is currently poised to make a move into extracting this filthy source of oil. But it’s not too late ...
  • Biodiversity: The agreement that isn't
    Everyone agrees that the new declaration on biodiversity is a triumph. Just one snag: it doesn’t seem to exist. And if it does, it won’t help the natural world. by George Monbiot from the Guardian and November 1, 2010 “Countries join forces to save life on Earth,” the front page of the Independent told us. “Historic,” ...
  • Green Party of Canada urges public mobilization for Cancun
    “We’re aiming to help reinvigorate Canadians to participate in democracy and hold the Harper government’s feet to the fire on the most pressing issue facing the planet.” [As ecosocialists, we at  C&C feel that the demands outlined in this statement are inadequate. But such disagreements take second place to our pleasure at seeing the Green Party ...
  • IPCC vice-chair: Attacks on climate science echo tobacco industry tactics
    Jean-Pascal van Ypersele says rows over ‘climategate’ emails and Himalayan glaciers were organised to undermine Copenhagen summit by Damian Carrington Guardian, October 28, 2010 The attacks on climate science that were made ahead of the Copenhagen climate change summit were “organised” to undermine efforts to tackle global warming and mirror the earlier tactics of the tobacco industry, ...
  • Speculation and climate driving up food prices
    The profit system is starving people … by Penny Cole A World to Win, October 28, 2010 A capitalist perfect storm has ended all progress in reducing world hunger, and one billion people are now undernourished, a sizable increase from its 2006 estimate of 854 million people. In every country, prices are soaring, including in the UK where ...