Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Bring Cochabamba to Cancun!
    A call from Canadian  based NGO’s, community groups and individuals to join the growing global movement for climate justice in Cancun Nov 27- Dec 10th. We the undersigned representatives of Social Movements and NGO’s, Meeting at a side event with President Morales of Bolivia during the Millennium Development Goals Summit, New York City, September 23, 2010, Affirm the ...
  • Grassy Narrows people draw a line in the forest
    Ignoring the rotten deal that Canada’s pale green NGOs signed with the forest killers, the Grassy Narrows people are calling for boycott and divestment of Weyerhauser for destroying their lands Posted by Ahni on Interconttinental Cry Less than five months ago, several large environmental groups and logging companies declared a truce to the “war in the woods”, ...
  • NYC Oct 24: John Bellamy Foster and Chris Williams
    Save the date: Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis Monthly Review Press and Haymarket Books present a discussion with John Bellamy Foster launching his new book, The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth (co-authored with Brett Clark and Richard York) and Chris Williams author of Ecology and Socialism Sunday, Oct. 24, 4 pm New York University – Kimmel Center Rm. 802 60 Washington Square South New York ...
  • Hungary's red mud: natural or man-made disaster?
    For years, environmentalists in Hungary and elsewhere have warned of the dangers of this by-product of aluminum production and especially the way it is stored ++++++++  (In Defense of Marxism, October 12, 2010)  Overnight the world has woken up to intimate knowledge of the process of extracting aluminium from bauxite and its by-product the red mud, which devastated ...
  • Video: How can we win an ecological revolution?
    Roy Wilkes speaking at the Climate & Capitalism seminar in London, January 23, 2010 Roy Wilkes is a member of the British organization Socialist Resistance and of the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group. The seminar was sponsored by the Green Left and Socialist Resistance.
  • Climate Refugees (Réfugiés climatiques)
    Newly translated book documents the human costs of climate change. Collectif Argos. Climate Refugees. MIT Press 2010. ISBN 9780262514392 Reviewed by Javier Sethness The French Collectif Argos’ 2007 volume Réfugiés climatiques (Climate Refugees) has recently been translated into English. The work, a series of essays and sets of photographs that examine the lives of a number of social ...
  • The limits to energy efficiency
    “Historical evidence shows unequivocally that advances in energy efficiency have not led to any declines of aggregate energy consumption.” by Simon Butler Green Left Weekly, October 9, 2010 It’s close to an article of faith among environmentalists that using less energy is a big part of the solution to climate change. Energy efficiency is often said to be ...
  • UK unions and greens demand one million climate jobs
    New pamphlet calling for “One Million Climate Jobs” will be launched at the House of Commons, 6pm Thursday 14 October. NEWS RELEASE (October 8, 2010) The economic crisis threatens to destroy the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of workers. Already, in towns and cities across Britain there are too few available jobs for those looking for ...
  • Ecological disaster threatens the Danube
    Toxic contamination was such that workers had to wear full chemical hazard gear including breathing apparatus to tackle the thick red mud by Bill Benfield Morning Star,  October 6, 2010 Emergency workers poured into the Hungarian towns hardest hit by a flood of toxic sludge yesterday in a desperate attempt to clear roads and homes of acres of ...
  • Toronto protest confronts Enbridge over tar sands
    “Tar sands projects are one of the largest environmental injustices on earth and is Canada’s largest source of global warming pollution” by Maryam Adrangi and Cameron Fenton TORONTO – As Enbridge holds its investors meeting in Toronto’s financial district, Environmental Justice Toronto sent them a message about their dirty investments in fossil fuels. Grassroots organizers sent up ...
  • Pachakuti: Indigenous perspectives, degrowth and ecosocialism
    To enter this dialogue with respect, we need an introduction to this movement, which some call the “Pachakuti”, a term taken from the Quechua “pacha”, meaning time and space or the world, and “kuti”, meaning upheaval or revolution. By Bob Thomson In its efforts to ...
  • The Globalization of Aboriginal Opposition to the Alberta Tar Sands
    VIDEO: Clayton Thomas-Muller of the Indigenous Environmental Network discusses the internationalization of the campaign to stop the assault on Indigenous peoples by the Alberta Tar Sands Projects Interview conducted at the airport in Fort McMurray Alberta, on September 27, 2010
  • New books by Derek Wall
    Derek Wall, a founder of Britain’s Green Left and the Ecosocialist International Network, has two important new books published simultaneously. Highly recommended …. The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics measures the rising tide of eco-activism and awareness and explains why it heralds a new political era worldwide. New Internationalist Books 2010. The Rise of the Green Left: Inside ...
  • The greening of hate, Canadian-style
    Leading Canadian conservatives use green arguments to promote anti-immigrant sentiment The  Canadian Centre for Immigration Policy Reform, launched today on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, is a dangerous step forward by the anti-immigrant right in Canada. CCIPR isn’t just another obscure group of right-wing cranks — it is headed by former ambassador Martin Collacott, now a Senior Fellow with the ...
  • The Spectre of Barbarism and its Alternative
    Faced with the rising threat of capitalist barbarism, socialists need a clear vision for the struggle by Michael A. Lebowitz Thesis One. The capitalist economic crisis is not over. Although the immediate financial crisis appears to have been resolved, all of the underlying factors (which are the result of the overaccumulation to which capitalism is prone and ...
  • BP report: "a devastating litany of human error, incompetence and technical failure"
    BP’s internal investigation of the catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill does its best to spread the blame around … Excerpts from the BBC’s summary of BP’s latest entry in the blame game: The report says no one action or inaction was behind the accident. Instead, “multiple companies, work teams and circumstances were involved over time.” It ...
  • Food Sovereignty in Venezuela
    How Venezuela is transforming its economy and empowering its citizens thru nine distinct features of Social Production Enterprises – the antidote to neoliberalism. An important report examines the achievements and challenges of Venezuela’s fight for popular control over food production. It is interesting to look at how the numbers mirror each other: 80% of people in ...
  • A Tar Sands Pledge of Resistance
    Climate activists call for non-violent direct action to stop the Trailbreaker pipeline project from At a recent climate camp in North America, activists began collecting signatures for a tar sands pledge of resistance.  We invite you to sign on to commit to action against a fossil fuel pipeline and pumping project (”Trailbreaker”) that may bring tar ...
  • Scientists conclude: Chernobyl killed nearly 1 million people
    A massively documented new book charges International Atomic Energy Agency with covering up the extent of the “worst technogenic accident in history” Editor’s Note: This is a positive review of a controversial book. For a strong counter-argument, see the pro-nuclear blog Atomic Insights ++++++++++++++++++ Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Edited by Alexey V. ...
  • Stop the greening of bigotry – take the pledge today!
    Stop the greening of hate: Video and environmental anti-racism pledge developed by the Center for New Community Bigotry. That isn’t the first word that comes to mind when one thinks about environmentalism, but green bigotry is real and growing. A web of individuals, groups and funders who identify themselves as environmentalists are dividing the environmental movement ...