Downstream Community Members to Hold Healing Walk Through Tar Sands Region

On Saturday, August 14th the Keepers of the Athabasca, a network of First Nation, Metis and settler community members along the Athabasca river will host a ‘healing walk’ through the tar sands.

Local First Nation and Metis elders from communities directly affected by tar sands operations are leading the walk and will be joined by other local residents and hundreds of supporters for the 3-4 hour walk along HWY 63 winding through the long road that passes the tar sands operations exposing the dark clouds of emissions and the vast toxic tailing ponds.

The walk will be interspersed with speakers and filled with ceremony as local First Nation elders will offer prayers to help heal the earth.

Who: First Nation and Metis elders, spiritual leaders and residents from communities directly affected by tar sands operations, local residents, and allies from Western Canada.

Others are welcome to join as we walk through the tar sands area and give strength and prayer to the earth and the people who have felt the devastation of tar sands development.

Where: Fort McMurray, Alberta. Starting with a sunrise ceremony at Lion’s Park on Tolen Drive.

When: 8:00 am, Sunrise Ceremony. Walk to begin at 10:00 am with feast to follow.

Why: Because Mother Earth needs our help in the protection and healing of the land and water. Indigenous people are caretakers of the earth and we need to work together for the health and safety for the next generations.

See Facebook page for more information

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