Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Science
‘Scientists must not remain on the sidelines’
The new revolutionaries: Climate scientists demand radical change
Did McGill University whitewash asbestos?
Oceans on the brink of ecological collapse
An antidote to climate change denial
Another blow to climate 'skeptics'
Biggest dead zone ever coming to the Gulf of Mexico
Canada’s seven-year war on science
Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? You bet!
The hockey stick is real, and it's worse than we thought
No, global warming hasn't stopped
Antarctic: The big melt accelerates
Dialectics in Science: An interview with Helena Sheehan
Oceans rising 60 percent faster than predicted
The Citizen Scientist
Barry Commoner: scientist, activist, radical ecologist
US drought is comparable to 1930s Dust Bowl
James Hansen: Climate change has arrived, and it’s worse than predicted
Over 15,000 temperature records broken in warmest U.S. March
Arctic climate change causing droughts, floods, and heat waves outside the north
Great Lakes have lost 71% of winter ice cover
James Hansen: Why I speak out about climate change
No time to waste on transition to green energy
Global ice loss: 500 billion tons a year
So far, the 21st century has had nine of the ten hottest years on record
Barry Commoner: Ecology and Social Action
Global carbon emissions reach 10 billion tonnes
Greenhouse gas concentrations reach new high; rate of increase accelerates
Scientists understate climate change impacts
Why 450 ppm is not a safe target
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