Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Latin America
Ecological uprising evicts transnational mining company
Amazon deforestation: A time bomb for new pandemics
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, November 2023
Monocrop farming doubles flood areas in South American plains
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2023
Hugo Blanco, peasant leader and ecosocialist, 1934-2023
Indigenous fighters resist forest destruction in Peru
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, May 2023
Hugo Blanco: ‘Social movements in defense of our territories are our hope’
‘Capital’s attack on nature endangers humanity’
GMO Soy, Popular Resistance, and Corporate Power
Crisis in the Amazon: A Planetary Challenge
Angus interview in Peruvian indigenous newspaper
Indigenous people may be the Amazon’s last hope
Capitalism ‘Solves’ the Nitrogen Crisis: A Brief History
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2019
How would a revolutionary government protect the environment?
Beginning to end hunger: Belo Horizonte shows the way
Energy and Climate Change: No progress in 20 years
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, May 2018
Hugo Blanco on the indigenous struggle for land in Peru
Project Life: Cuba’s action plan prepares for climate change
Capitalism, exterminism and the long ecological revolution
“I paint what I see,” said Rivera
Economic reconstruction, debt cancellation and self-determination in Puerto Rico!
Mexican activists demand: Stop Canadian mega-mines now
Zapatistas urge scientists to join in building a better world
Condemn the murder of Honduran indigenous leader!
‘Buen vivir’ and the dilemmas of the Latin American left
Peru: International labor solidarity aids fight against polluting, anti-union copper mine
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews