Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Carbon Pricing
Laundering Carbon and the New Scramble for Africa
Carbon offsets don’t work, and that’s not news
COP27 achieved nothing. No surprise.
Climate Scientists: ‘Net Zero’ is a dangerous trap
The financialization of environment protection
What kind of rebellion will save humanity from extinction?
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2019
Carbon pricing and new technology won’t stop climate change
A lesson from the yellow vests: Carbon taxes burn workers
An ecosocialist reply to a defender of ‘green capitalism’
The British Columbia Carbon Tax: A Failed Experiment
Seven objections to the Paris climate deal
Why are critics and media silent on Bolivia’s green gains?
Hansen’s ‘fee and dividend’ plan: An exchange
Debate on exit strategy: Hansen’s program is more than a carbon tax
Debate on exit strategy: Should ecosocialists support carbon taxes?
Why markets can’t fix the climate crisis
The Myths of ‘Green Capitalism’
Debate: Two tactics in the fight against climate change
Privatizing the air, 100 years ago
Pricing carbon: A failed strategy that won't save the climate
Carbon trading is an obstacle to effective climate action
Carbon trading has failed: scrap the ETS now
Should Chiapas farmers pay for California's emissions?
Do carbon offsets reduce emissions?
Carbon trade markets collapsing
The green economy (not!): Capitalism’s final frontier
We can't put a price on nature
B.C.'s carbon tax is a failure … and Australia is following suit
Hope triumphs over experience
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews