The UN promotes a perverse and potentially genocidal forest offset scam
Feminism and the global fight for food sovereignty
Although La Via Campesina was initially formed and led by men, rural women have dramatically increased their participation in all levels and activities of the global peasant organization. A feminist perspective has emerged as a fundamental component...
Stop land grabbing for agribusiness in Mozambique
National Peasants Union: "We vehemently condemn any initiative which aims to resettle communities and expropriate the land of peasants to give way to mega farming projects for monocrop production"
Bolivia condemns UN's pro-market biodiversity policy
Diego Pacheco, head of the Bolivian delegation to CBD: "Everything connected with nature is being commodified, putting at risk the livelihoods of indigenous and local people, and of the common goods."
Thousands rally against B.C. pipelines
"One thing I can say right off the bat is: we're winning..."
Corporate giants reap billions from hunger
The world's farms produce more than enough feed everyone well, but big business control of the food system condemns hundreds of millions to constant hunger, and starves 2.5 million children to death every year.
Spell it out: No fracking!
Illawarra, Australia: 3000 activists build a huge human sign
Editors resign from leading environment journal
Statement of collective withdrawal, protesting "a gross violation of academic freedom, scholarly standards, scientific responsibility, and business ethics."
UK activists expose Canada's tarred reputation
Environment Minister Peter Kent gets an unexpected welcome in London
Nature’s matrix: Linking agriculture, conservation and food sovereignty
An important book argues that conservationists who focus on creating nature preserves are undermining their own cause. To truly protect biodiversity, environmentalists must support the global struggle of peasant farmers for human rights, land, and...
The biggest mass poisoning in history
77 million Bangladeshis are drinking arsenic-affected water. The arsenic is naturally occurring, but the failure to stop it, and the resulting health disaster, have deep social causes.
Would you swim in a tar sand pit?
What if they pretend it's a lake?
'For a class struggle approach to climate change and energy transition'
South African Metalworkers Union: "Reducing global warming requires fundamental restructuring of the capitalist system. At the centre of such restructuring is the question of who owns the means of energy production, transmission, distribution and...
Video: Sydney demo demands "Stop Coal Seam Gas"
A thousand marchers form a human sign to protest fracking
Invasion of Iraq causes epidemic of birth defects
"You've thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled, Fear to bring children into the world"
Ethiopia: World Bank promotes forcible 'resettlement' of indigenous people
To enable corporate land grabs, indigenous peoples in Ethiopia are being driven off their fertile ancestral lands and forced into new villages where there is little access to food or arable land.
Corporate land grabs intensify third world hunger
In many of the countries where millions are starving, multinationals and foreign governments have taken over prime land for export crops, squeezing out small farmers
Scientists: There is no such thing as "safe fracking"
The latest science confirms serious health and pollution risks with shale gas. Researchers call for tight restrictions, oppose large-scale fracking operations.
Walmart versus the earth
Walmart spends millions claiming to be green. It lies.
Duncan's First Nation: New oil spill shows Alberta pipelines are NOT in hand
"The situation that is unfolding on our front door step shows the disregard that Alberta and the oil industry have for the environment and the rights of our community and other communities."