Vertical farming: Another 'solution' that won't work

Building factory farms in urban skyscrapers is promoted as a way to fix our broken food system. Despite the good intentions of its advocates, it's a fantasy, an unrealistic techno-fix that can only divert attention from the need for real change.

Climate disaster CAN be prevented

Practical, affordable solutions exist, but the necessary resources won't be mobilized so long as corporations, media barons and generals make all the big decisions.

The new fight over who owns the earth

Book review: 'Landgrabbers' offers a bleak picture of land grabs by corporations for agriculture or resource exploitation and equally appalling 'green grabs' by conservationists

Bolivia at UN talks: The climate is not for sale!

"We did not come here to turn the climate into a business, or to protect businesses of them who want to continue aggravating the climate crisis, destroying Mother Earth. We came here to protect the future of humanity."

Ecosocialism and the fight for free public transit

Mass transportation is intimately tied not only to the physical form of cities, but to the deeper social structures of imperial capitalism. A campaign for free public transit can be an important part of a broader fight to restructure society along...

The unequal pain of climate change in Europe

New European Union report says "economically lagging regions are also the most vulnerable to climate change." Translation: Even in a rich continent, the poor will suffer most.