Book Review

Victor Wallis reviews ‘Facing the Anthropocene’

'Ian Angus’s distinctive contribution is to underscore, with his geologically grounded perspective, the need to combine immediate measures of relief with a long-term agenda of transformation.'

We won't be long, but ...

What to read while C&C takes a break

Climate & Capitalism will resume its regular publishing schedule on or about October 24. In the meantime, have you read these top-rated articles from the summer of 2016?

Environmental Justice

If Nature Is Sacred, Capitalism Is Wicked

Under capitalism, everything is a business opportunity. Disasters are not viewed by business leaders as problems to be solved, they are seen as circumstances of which they must take advantage.

Book Review

‘Anthropocene or Capitalocene?’ misses the point

The authors of this book have very little to say about the Anthropocene, the crisis of the Earth System, or the new global epoch, and most of what they do say is misleading or wrong.

Fossil Capitalism

Ecocide in the Niger Delta

In Nigeria, oil extraction and production has devastating consequences for the people living in the Niger Delta, but those who flee are not protected by the Geneva Convention on Refugees.

Global change

Two more radical precursors of Anthropocene science

Long before the Anthropocene Working Group reported on the new epoch, Yrjö Haila and Richard Levins argued that global ecohistory entered a new stage sometime after World War II

Reading from the left

Book review: How did we get into this mess?

Social and environmental problems are aptly diagnosed in George Monbiot's new book and, more importantly, they are diagnosed with great flair and eloquence.

AWG report

Expert panel: The Anthropocene epoch has definitely begun

Key conclusion of Anthropocene Working Group report to Geological Congress: the ‘Great Acceleration’ in the second half of the 20th century marked the end of the Holocene and the beginning of a new geological epoch.

Interview: John Bellamy Foster

Marx and the Earth: Why we wrote an ‘anti-critique’

The German daily Junge Welt interviews John Bellamy Foster on capitalism's destruction of nature, ecological Marxism from Marx's time to the present, and the environmental crisis as a class issue.

Movement Building

Climate justice and the prospect of power

Climate justice activists have not yet found a path to transformational change. That can only emerge from the experiences of all working people here and worldwide, present and past.