'It is now time for the industry most responsible to pay for the damage it has caused, and for vulnerable countries worst affected to receive the financial assistance they so urgently need'
New reports expose ‘high and rising’ global inequality
Eight years after the great recession supposedly ended, global inequality continues to deepen, exposing claims that "wealth trickles down" and "a rising tide raises all boats" as class-based lies.
Heatwaves can kill 27 ways, and climate change puts 74% of humanity at risk
Two recent studies show how dangerous heatwaves can be, and how global warming will put three-quarters of humanity at risk by 2100. “We are running out of choices.”
At global climate talks, La Via Campesina calls for peasant agroecology
"Our call for system change is urgent because the damage is growing. Commons, including land, forests and water, must be protected and restored to the people. We need to work together with our allies to be prepared for climate change.”
Slightly warmer temperatures caused Atlantic superstorms
A hundred thousand years ago, slightly warmer temperatures and CO2 levels lower than today led to dramatic superstorms and sea-level rise in the western Atlantic Ocean
“There is no convincing alternative explanation”
The new U.S. Climate Science Special Report is unequivocal: climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, especially greenhouse gas emissions, and it is getting more dangerous every day
John Bellamy Foster on Jacobin and Ecomodernism
The editor of Monthly Review responds to 'socialists' who view the environmental crisis as a problem of technology, not a fundamental rift in society's relationship with nature.
MR Press launches pathbreaking new books on ecosocialism
Kohei Saito, Ian Angus, Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams offer powerful, historically grounded arguments and a way forward for society and the earth
Lancet report: Health impact of climate change impact is ‘the major threat of 21st century’
The health of millions of people across the world is already being significantly harmed by climate change, a major new report finds.
Greenhouse gas concentrations surge to new record
'The last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO2 was 3-5 million years ago, the temperature was 2-3°C warmer and sea level was 10-20 meters higher than now.'
Sustainable agriculture versus corporate greed
Fred Magdoff reviews a new book in which Australian activists explain what’s wrong with corporate profit-centred agriculture and propose a manifesto for a people-centred alternative.
Economic reconstruction, debt cancellation and self-determination in Puerto Rico!
One month after Hurricane Maria: 'We need an adequately funded program of economic reconstruction (including the transition to renewable energy), the powers to carry it out and a true process of political self-determination.'
Mexican activists demand: Stop Canadian mega-mines now
Victims of mining tell Trudeau: Canadian mining corporations damage health, contaminate and destroy environments, dispossess indigenous people, and harass, smear and assassinate critics. Get out now!
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2017
Six new books on Marx’s ecosocialist views, climate change and health, theory and action, inevitability versus contingency in evolution, new politics, and the meaning of Capital
Before Maria, forcing Puerto Rico to pay its debt was odious. Now, it’s pure cruelty.
To expect Puerto Rico to rebuild from this unnatural disaster while at the same time bailing out Wall Street financiers is to condemn its residents to a permanent state of crushing hardship and impoverishment.
István Mészáros: Capitalism and Ecological Destruction
István Mészáros, one of the finest political philosophers of our time, died on October 1. As this article shows, he was one of the first Marxists to identify the global environmental crisis as a central contradiction of late capitalism.
Science & Society reviews Facing the Anthropocene
'Required reading for people trying to understand not only how the Anthropocene arrived on the scene, but why left-leaning people everywhere need to understand it'
Memo to Jacobin: Ecomodernism is not ecosocialism
Ian Angus challenges a left-wing magazine that promotes geoengineering, nuclear power, carbon storage and other techno-fixes as solutions to climate change.
Jacobin and ecomodernism: Two replies
Climate & Capitalism readers David Schwartzman and David Walters respond to criticism of Jacobin magazine’s special issue on climate change.
How the ruling class remade New Orleans
What will happen after the destruction caused by Harvey and Irma? The experience of New Orleans after Katrina shows what to expect when capitalists profit from disaster.